Has anyone been prescribed lyrica? what was your experience with it? did it ease your pain?

I just started Lyrica 25 mg, 2 days ago. I would like to hear from others that have taken it. How long did it take before you noticed any relief? What were the side effects, if there were any, or if not? What dosage you took? Would you recommend it? Thanks in advance for any information. If I want answers, I can always count on this group for honest, correct and informative answers.

I have been taking Lyrica since sometime in April (this year), and have had great results.

It seems I have secondary fibromyalgia (Yippe!), and have had some pretty gnarly pain for the last year, at least. Since then, I had given up on pretty much all of the physical activities that I enjoyed, and all hopes of having a clean house went right out the window. My poor husband had been carrying the entire household load, just about, all of his own.

Anyway, I started Lyrica in April due to sheer desperation, and have been feeling so much better. My house is clean, the laundry is caught up (most of the time, anyway), we have gone camping one time and plan to go again in July. I can walk the dog, make dinner, and work like a healthy person can.

I know that others have experienced some common side effects while taking Lyrica; I know drowsiness and fatigue are big ones, but those go away after a week or so, if you just stick it out. Like every drug that might give me relief, I am willing to give it the old college try, if it will give me a little more of my life back.

You can read more of my Lyrica feelings here:


Go to the next to the last paragraph.

I was diagnosed with fibro first. It has helped so much and the side effects went away pretty quickly

Robyn said:

I was diagnosed with fibro first. It has helped so much and the side effects went away pretty quickly

Andy said:.

What sort of side effects did you have Robyn?

Robyn said:

I was diagnosed with fibro first. It has helped so much and the side effects went away pretty quickly

It's been over a year but I remember fatigue symptoms. I do have difficulty getting up if I don't take it early enough

Same here. I was a little sleepy for a week or two. I have also noticed dry mouth, but it’s worth it for me.