Today I am really tired. I feel like I haven't truly recovered from the time I pulled weeds. Most of my energy is used at work. Since the last time I posted I talked with my husband. He is starting realize that this is not going away.This weekend is very busy for me and like others I will pay for it. When I can do it I have to. I live in anxiety of should I do things or not because of the consequences. Any body else? Anyways, I have to go for now. I really appreciate the encouragement from you all. I will see an internist this month so hopefully he will have some ideas.
It takes time to find balance, and it will likely shift with disease activity, medication changes, etc. Give yourself the benefit of time to adjust to everything. I'm glad your husband is starting to adjust as well.
I hope you get more energy soon. I was feeling great the first 7-9 days after my 4th remicade infusion, but now I'm getting fatigued again and sleeping more. I discussed this with my rheumy as my #1 problem and he's running tests. I will see him in a few weeks.
Finding a balance is difficult, and even when you think you've figured things out, PsA changes things on you. It took me the longest time to get used to reading my body's signals as to when I should and shouldn't do things- and to work up to saying no to things, cancelling plans when I needed to, and letting go of responsibilities I truly couldn't handle.
Having an understanding husband is a huge help.