I’ve just paid £50 to have my root hair analysed and wanted to share the results with you and to provoke a discussion. I have to say I was surprised at the results in many ways - I was expecting the usual suspects of being told that I should avoid gluten and dairy and have my amalgam fillings taken out - you know what I’m saying ha ha!! But it surprised me just how in depth the analysis was! But she lost me at the paragraph that talks about colours and not wearing tomato red next to my skin, ha ha!! I studied Colour Therapy and am also an artist, so have a fairly good idea of the colour spectrum, and quite frankly what she says makes little sense.
Then we get to the crunch part! Her “prescription” of various supplements she says I have to order through this company and tell them it was her who recommended them. I’m looking st this company they’re just very overpriced suppliers of vitamin supplements. All of which you can get from health shops at a fraction of the cost, or best of all from a healthy diet. She obviously gets commission from them.
Here’s her analysis (very convincing until you break it down!)
“Hello Kathleen,
I have the results of your hair analysis.
You were Structually misaligned. This manifests in problems with possible breathlessness, anxiety, palpitations, painful hips and knees, because it inhibits cellular oxygen transfer. I have corrected this.
You had Emotional problems which switches your brains ability to promote health.
Working with the colour spectrum you were showing to be weak when the colour blue was over your eyes, this colour is at one end of the spectrum. I have corrected you to your correct colour, Red. Which is at the other end of the colour spectrum.
This will enable your body to know and utilise what you eat to make energy.
This means that tomato red is a colour that you should not wear next to your skin.
You had an weakness in your Small Intestine.
The Small Intestine is where your food is absorbed , detoxification begins and 70% of your immune receptors are.
This highlighted your need for Vitamin E, D and K.
This is an oil, keep it in the fridge and take 5 drops each morning 10 minutes before food and drink for 2 weeks.
Then reduce the dose to 2 drops each morning for a further 6 weeks then discontinue.
You also need Selenium Phosphate.
Take one capsule opened into water three times a day before meals for 2 weeks.
Then reduce the dose for a further 2 weeks taking 1 in the morning and one in the evening.
Then reduce the dose to one capsule before evening meal for a further 2 weeks then discontinue.
This aids optimum detoxification in the liver and improves intracellular energy, by improving Thyroid function.
You also need a strong probiotic. This will provide a healthy gut flora which also promotes DNA replication.
You need to take B. Longum, 10 capsules at bedtime for 1 Night then discontinue. Keep in the fridge.
You also have a genetic fault, this is an inherited fault.
Causing an inability to optimally break down and absorb Folic acid.
You need to take H4 Biopterin 4 capsules opened into water at bedtime. Wash the liquid around your mouth and swallow. You need to continue to take this.
You can order these supplements from Epigenetics on 01380800105 they will ask the name of your Health Provider I trade as Essential Health. You need to order :
30ml of Vitamins EDK oil
1 pot of Selenium Phosphate
1 pot of B. Longum
2 pots of H4 Folate this needs to be ordered ongoing.”
My initial scepticism/gut feeling I think was right. Back to restarting my Paleo/Primal Diet!!
Any thoughts?