Going Gluten Free


I'm really hoping to get some advice. I've tried to go gluten free before but it was really tough. I felt like I was constantly hungry. No meal ever filled me up. I'm just wondering from those of you who are gluten free...What's the secret ? All the gluten free bread I've tried is terrible.

I know some people have seen improvement going gluten free and I'd really like to give it a shot without starving

Thanks :)

I take a fiber supplement--like benifiber.. It really helps

It's a tough one gluten free. I have a friend who is a celiac and she is so gluten sensitive that even some of the supposed g/f breads have a permissible part per million of wheat BUT what I have learnt from her is that not all the g/f breads are equal and she also makes alot herself at home with her breadmaker. I also buy g/f pastas when I cook for her and to be honest I'd never know the difference to taste/texture, seems the only giveaway is they make the cooking water alot more gloopy.

I have, though, been making changes to my own diet partly because I need to lose some of the weight I've put on through being less active due to PsA and also to generally eat the best diet I can. To this end I have discovered spiralized veggies and now substitute courgette spirals for all my spaghetti. I found this through the food blog Inspiralized

Had another friend over this week and made g/f vegan brownies. Again I found this recipe through an online food blog DeliciouslyElla

Hope these offer you some ideas.

Hi Karen,

Thanks for the tip. Gluten free is tough. Gluten is said to cause inflammation so it seems a good place to start. I'm also cutting out most condiments since gluten is added to them as a thickener. I guess that's really the hard part, not knowing where the gluten is hiding. In addition, caffeine is supposed to be an issue also.

I've been gluten free a week now and have seen some improvement in my hands but I'll see how things go in the next hew months. It makes sense to me to not only use anti inflammatory foods but to not eat foods that cause inflammation. That would be counter productive.

I have tried a few gluten free pastas. I have found only one or two I find comparable to regular pasta. Thanks for the recipes ideas.

I am Celiac and we have a gluten-free house.

To truly go gluten-free, you need to pay attention to not only foods, but also products like soap, shampoo, lotion, etc, as well as not cooking or prepping food on a contaminated surface.

If you have an Aldi where you are, they have some excellent baking mixes, pasta, and other products. We do a lot of baking from scratch (my 12 year old daughter, especially) and find gf desserts more filling (and more tasty!) because we use almond flour and other flours that are high in protein. We eat meat, eggs, veggies, fruits - whole foods that are filling and gluten-free. For me, the secret is making sure I'm not skimping on the protein, because if I do, I don't feel full. We eat many of the things we ate before going gf - chili, chicken, ribs, pulled pork, all sorts of soups, steak, roasts, stir fry, Indian dishes, Chinese dishes, Mexican dishes ...

My husband makes awesome gluten-free bread in our breadmaker, so bread isn't an issue for us. Also, I found that going without bread for a few months and then trying gf bread makes a LOT of difference. I prefer lettuce wraps to using bread for sandwiches.

One of my favorite go-to's when I'm not feeling full after/in between meals is chia in mango (or other) juice. LOVE it, and it's a complete protein and full of omega-3's!

Thanks nym !

My sister is coeliacs and I enjoy cooking and lived with her for a while, so here are some of my favoures; home made corn bread - love it and very filling, gluten free corn fajitas, brown rice, lentils (especially Dahl if you like Indian), hommous on rice crackers, nuts, avocado, and like nym said enough good quality protein to make up the space :slight_smile: