Extreme Fatigue Performing Mid-level Task

Hello everyone in PsA land. Last year, prior to PsA diagnosis, I was noticing that fatigue would set in while performing outdoor tasks like raking leaves, bike riding, etc. Last night I decided to do something that I should have done a couple of weeks ago, however it's been put off do to my back pain. Anyway the temp outside was in the low 80's when I began the task of putting my daughter's pool up. It's one of those pools that is assembled with metal tubing commonly sold at retail stores like Walmart. Last year was a bit of a struggle phyisicaly this year was excrusiatingly difficult. About 10-15 minutes into the project I was in great pain and was sweating profusley. Fortunatley my family came home to assist. No body else was sweating like I was.

When the job was done I was having a very difficult time walking and man was my SI joint and back pain through the roof. I am assuming that this is common but does anyone else have a difficult time performing similar tasks? It was all worth it when I saw my daughter's smile :>)

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Yes, Buickboy. Years ago I delivered Meals on Wheels. There is some physical activity to the job, like picking up heavy containers of food, running up and down steps and hills, etc. Years ago I found the job to be a piece of cake. I'm doing the job again now because I can't work f-t anymore due to pain, and let me tell you, I'm finding it KILLER on some days. I feel embarrassed to struggle with fairly simple tasks but they kill my back!

Heck, some days even opening a jar is beyond me.

Hey there Buickboy. I have exactly the same thing happen to me. I've tried to explain it to my husband...the way I said it was "its like trying exercising when you have the flu".

Yes, I can relate to this I was a very in dependent person and done every thing myself Now I struggle with the simplest things like even sweeping the floor I have to keep stopping and as for other jobs I try my best to keep going and I too puff and pant and sweat and I start feeling agitated because everything starts to hurt and cramp up especially if I have to bend a little I am trying to understand how much and to what extent this condition affect our lives it has helped reading every one elses discussions Make me feel not as silly

Hello BuickBoy,

Let me take a guess that it was the bending that was the worst part of it. It is second to riding in a car to really sky rocket pain, plus anything that involves the motion of sweeping, raking, vacuuming, scrubbing a floor will get me fast and hard as well.

Mom and I finally got to the grocery store, and I told her tonight, no more using the bottom rack of the cart, cannot do the bending and twisting motion anymore, we just start getting a cart for each of us.

My Chiropractor has worked with me for years on trying to improve my ability to do these things with all sorts of exercises and stretches, with strength training and he finally told me that I needed to accept this as a dysfunction. Even swimming did not change this.

I know that you are a very good Dad and husband, and would do anything for your family, but there comes a time when you need to accept some limitations and have a get together, like a 'put the pool up party' and enlist some family and friends to help with this type of task.

Hope you have recovered from this and have a good weekend! Sending good thoughts your way!


Yep, sorry but that’s kind of how it is - but a big congratulations on getting most of it done yourself - seriously! A little while ago, one of the wiser fellows on here told me about how you learn to accept a new ‘normal’ and that what you did do is a big accomplishment.

I’m not going to suggest I’m anywhere near that stage of acceptance yet, but I do realize its a really important part of managing the disease, and I’m trying.

You know when you see some really inspiring dude on tv who is blind but has just climbed mount everest?

Well, you are that guy to your daughter.

And to lots of us who know that everest might be a pool construction, or a weekend camping in the boat, or just a smile on a really hard day.

Thanks everyone, once again you all have lifted me up with your great perspective. It's morning as I'm typing this (I assume that you all know how "Great" mornings are) I'm sitting and icing my derriere. Still paying the price for the pool construction or just a typical PsA morning. Well it was worth the fatigue, sweat, and pain. My daughter got up, came into the room, snuggled right up next to me, and gave me a big hug. Life's "All Good"!

Hope that you are having a good day, BuickBoy!

BuickBoy, I love your devotion to your child. Even if you can't personally put up the pool in the future, that little girl is gonna love you like crazy because you're such a caring dad. THAT is THE most important thing in a child's life.

I think a joint "let's put the pool together" party is a great idea, as is accepting a new norm. Heck, you could even make it fun by hiding a little toy in one of the pieces and telling your daughter that the first one to find it gets to keep it (and naturally, she'll be the one to "find" it.)

I have been noticing the early fatigue as well but I was attributing it to not being in very good shape until recently. I actually have to stop every now and then to catch my breath. I continue to be terrified about getting worse. I’m in pain but from what I read on here I’m not doing to bad. Every time I feel a twinge in my knee I try and put it out o f my mind. My back doesn’t hurt too bad but te driving or riding in a car for over 45 minutes can be torture to get out and moving and we are expected to drive from Cincinnati to Destin Fl in late August. I am looking to start walking and jogging on Monday dispite foot, knee,mail pain and fatigue. Hope everyone has a good and relatively pain free tomorrow.

Fatigue!! When I have a flare up my level of fatigue is what is most debilitating. I am always napping. I am just zonked beyond belief. I liken that level of fatigue to first trimester pregnancy (any moms out there relate?)
I want to share that a couple of months ago I decided to stop medication and go the natural route. I am now vegan, gluten free and have eliminated lots of other stuff. I am basically on the anti-inflammation diet. The amazing news is that I don’t have pain anymore, and that tremendous fatigue has lifted too. I would love more energy and hoping that comes with more time.
As for your generous project for your daughter, I think that is fantastic that you had the optimism that you could accomplish it, and how sweet that you felt such joy from her smile !
All the best to you!

Now that you have the pool up get one of those old fasioned air mattresses with the built in pillows, a super soaker, and a foo foo drink (wita loooooooong straw. Blow up the air matress about 80%, load up the super soaker and take a float. By not having too much air in the matress, you won't fall off. Nothing is more realaxing. Every time the kid comes near you give him a squirt. He won't even know you are vegging. Been fooling mine for years. The foo foo drink requires no explanation.

I do have that problem as well I also can’t take the heat like I used too. I’m not sure if it’s the meds I’m on

That's terrific about your diet!

If possible. can you share more specifics about that plan?

Ilysoph said:

Fatigue!! When I have a flare up my level of fatigue is what is most debilitating. I am always napping. I am just zonked beyond belief. I liken that level of fatigue to first trimester pregnancy (any moms out there relate?)
I want to share that a couple of months ago I decided to stop medication and go the natural route. I am now vegan, gluten free and have eliminated lots of other stuff. I am basically on the anti-inflammation diet. The amazing news is that I don't have pain anymore, and that tremendous fatigue has lifted too. I would love more energy and hoping that comes with more time.
As for your generous project for your daughter, I think that is fantastic that you had the optimism that you could accomplish it, and how sweet that you felt such joy from her smile !
All the best to you!

Hi, I am new and it really is something to read that others are feeling the same. I’d like to ask additionally: If we push ourselves through the pain and effects, are we causing damage or is it just a matter of recovery time?

Hi buickboy, I hear you . I love that no matter what you go through nothing stopped you from getting that pool up. What we do for the people we love especially our babies, and it's all worth seeing the smile on their faces, now it will be fun watching her enjoy the pool.you will have to go in and splash around too. I notice i can't do thing's i use to do. I get more fatigued and also feel more pain, bone changes, and need more naps . The thing is i need more time to do what i need to get done through the day. The sad thing is im only fifty-two and also feel embarrassed to be in this condition. I just try to be kind to my myself. I'm greatful also to have a supportive family. I say that your an awesome dad.

Sure! I have eliminated anything and everything that could be considered inflammatory: sugar, flour, alcohol, caffeine, dairy, all animal protein, soy, gluten. I think that is it. I do love what I am eating tho'. I swear! : )

I eat a ton of veggies, seeds, fruit, nuts, and certain grains like quinoa, millet, brown rice, amaranth. I read and was inspired by Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book called Eat to Live. He has a section on auto immune diseases.

I also see an acupuncturist and take the Chinese Herbs he suggests. How are you treated? Do you have any specific questions?

Good luck!!!!

AlexisM. said:

That's terrific about your diet!

If possible. can you share more specifics about that plan?

Ilysoph said:

Fatigue!! When I have a flare up my level of fatigue is what is most debilitating. I am always napping. I am just zonked beyond belief. I liken that level of fatigue to first trimester pregnancy (any moms out there relate?)
I want to share that a couple of months ago I decided to stop medication and go the natural route. I am now vegan, gluten free and have eliminated lots of other stuff. I am basically on the anti-inflammation diet. The amazing news is that I don't have pain anymore, and that tremendous fatigue has lifted too. I would love more energy and hoping that comes with more time.
As for your generous project for your daughter, I think that is fantastic that you had the optimism that you could accomplish it, and how sweet that you felt such joy from her smile !
All the best to you!