Elbow strap recommendations. And how did I not know about Volatren Gel?

Saw the rheumatologist on Thursday for my three month check up. Got a script for Voltaren Gel and another for prednisone which I will take in July when I am on a 10-14day trip to China to help with fatigue and swelling from flying (hello support hose!).

So, how come I didn't pay attention to you when you talked about Voltaren Gel in other discussion threads? I'm so dense! I've been suffering again with the very first symptoms that got me diagnosed. It's epicondylitis (mostly lateral and some medial). That's tennis elbow to most of us. So it's been back with a vengeance for a few weeks. I now have Volatren Gel for it and I'm back to wearing compression straps to try to deaden the response in that area for typical movement of the wrists and fingers during the day.

Right now I'm using basic Futro tennis elbow straps that while smaller than they used to be aren't particularly small or easy to wear under sleeves. Does anyone who uses elbow straps have a recommendation for a small or narrow strap--smaller than the one below?

I haven't done much better with elbow straps either. My mom had one she raved about, but it wasn't less bulky either. I can check the name with her. It was more plastic less fabric. Wish I could find something for elbow joint pain, and not tendonitis. The sleeves don't seem to do much.

I loved Voltaren gel, but can only use it when I'm not taking oral NSAIDs, which unfortunately is more of the time. I'm thinking of asking about a lidocaine gel or something similar, as the next step seems like a cortisone shot for a truly miserable knuckle joint.

Sorry you're having knuckle issues. Luckily (?) I'm not taking oral NSAIDs so I'm applying the Voltaren liberally. It works fast.

I decided to say screw it. It’s such a small area I am applying it to. My best day with that hand in quite some time. I think I do need to be seen, but that Voltaren gel really is nice. Thanks for the reminder Jane.

Oh, and this is the strap that my mom swears by - http://www.amazon.com/Pro-Band-Sports-ABI00-Therapeutic/dp/B000FML7SW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399863953&sr=8-1&keywords=Tennis+elbow+strap

I use voltaren gel on my enthesitis spots. It is great. I take Celebrex at the same time with no issue .

Good for you!! Thanks for the strap recommendation. I'll look into it!

Stoney said:

My best day with that hand in quite some time. I think I do need to be seen, but that Voltaren gel really is nice. Thanks for the reminder Jane.