Don't like the normal :(

I am new at all of this psa stuff. I always tried to stay active I walk for excercise but I hurt worse everyday after I walk my dr asked if I am less achey well I am not. I keep thinking I will feel like my old self but I am not. I walk on my lunch hour because I have a desk job I never felt this way I hope every day I can walk without it being a struggle. I can barely walk at night my hips are so stiff and achey and my ankles hurt and lower back. I refuse to give up walking. Feeling sorry for myself today. I take MTX I see improvement but when I am physically active I see no improvement! :frowning: is this normal for psa??

It can be normal. You have been on MTX for a few months? Maybe its not quite at peak or maybe there needs to be a new medication added.

Some people try one med, get relief and move on. For others, it can be a bit of a challenge. Its hard to keep positive when you can't be the same physical person that you were before. But, you are pretty early on in treatment, (I think) so that just means you need to be patient (I KNOW!). Give the drugs time to work, give the doc time to get you on the right combo and give yourself time to adjust. Keep walking. Remember to take your NSAID before-hand, and plow on through. Most people find the right balance and return to their normal lives with few limitations. On this board, you have the newbies and the outliers. Don't let that influence your feelings too much or your worries,

Should of said the new normal!!!

I'm sorry :(

Being a newbie to this disease is tough. Grumpycat said all the right things, so I won't repeat them.

One tip for the hips.... before your walk put on a Thermacare patch, down low by your hips on your back. The heat will keep things loose and you'll have less pain. The heat lasts 8-12 hours, so if you put it on around lunch, it will help your hips all the way through bedtime. I use the "Neck and Shoulder" patches, as they are cheaper than the back ones, and I can stick them on whatever part of my body needs it. I should buy stock in the company :)

Part of the new normal is ugly shoes........

Seriously I have never had a shoe problem until recently unless I have "Bouncy heels," I can't walk to the bathroom.-seriously. I have inserts in my slippers. On the other hand I back packed 60 miles with my grandkids last summer with the right shoes.

I am huge proponent of aggresive medication treatment, but its just wierd how much difference a little thing (like a different pair of shoes) can make.

I think she's already a member of the ugly shoe club, Lamb! I swear we talked about that. Maybe he has a point though? Have you ever had custom orthotics?

I am totally new to this, 3 weeks new and haven't even started meds, that is a discussion for Monday. I am like you walk (have a Fitbit) and run. I've slacked off most of last year due to the pain in my lower back as that is how this all started. I've now come to realize staying active will only help, and have started running again with some goals.

Running doesn't hurt me, but like you, I do pay for it later or a day or two later. I'm hoping I can find something that works. I'm on Meloxicam and it helps a lot, but I totally retain water and feel horrible (I'm a small person). Two Dr's ago before Rheumy I was prescribed Lidocaine patches and they really help me at night.

A huge problem I have is being stiff after sitting for awhile, does this happen to you as well with your desk job?

it sounds like you need to give yourself time and your body time to adjust. Give the meds time to help you. I understand, I had to give up jogging and have been struggling since to find other ways to get my exercise. It doesn't mean you give up walking forever...but maybe adjust for the time being.

The right meds and the right gadgets will help you a lot. I know the wait is frustrating.

Thank you all so much!! Yes, we talked about shoes!! I am going to try those inserts and patches for pain.

Good Luck and please don't tell anyone I said anything about shoes. I'd hate to have another corner ripped off my man card.