I would just like to know if others get bone pain as well as joint pain. My bones feel tender and are painful and I feel like it is the same type of pain. My meds work on both my joints and my bones and both flare up. My Rhuemy said the bone pain is not PsA. I find myself disagreeing with his opinion..
Could it be tendon pain? Sometimes I get pain where a tendon attaches to a bone and swelling there too. But I sometimes get some intense pain running along a long bone like forearm or thigh. I showed it to my doctor once and she said that there is a tendon that runs right where I was rubbing. Could it be that?
I just felt around the bone which is in the heel of my hand and around my achilles tendon at the back of my ankle. I moved it all about and felt around while moving these joints and there is only soreness in the bones. I had forgotten how PsA can be in the tendons so your post at least help me be sure of what I am talking about. Thanks.
you could have bone erosion or heel spurs . Are you having bone pain in other areas? Spurs can cause alot of pain.Connstant inflamation of your tendons at the insertion points could be the pain you are feeling. Ask for an xray of your foot or better yet get an MRI. MRI really shows what the problem is . good luck
When my pain was at the worst the top of my feet felt like they had been crushed. It was not joint pain but actually felt like the bones were smashed. It was definitely related to my PsA - meds helped relieve the pain.
I agree with Michael, I experience more tendon pain than I do joint pain. The heel of my hand, thumb base and wrist, are tender constantly. Only if I take real high doses of prednisone does it stop hurting for maybe 2 days...kinda not worth it. When it flares bad, the pain can be followed up my entire arm and then across my shoulder(outer towards inner) and ends at the top or maybe the hump at the end of my neck on the right side of my spine. I hope that description makes sense. I haven't found much that can put a dent in that tendon pain/enthesitis - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthesitis
I'm "controlling" my PSA with Orencia infusion, methotrexate, celebrex and the rest of the standard vitamins and such. But the enthesitis doesn't let up much. I recently scored a pair of the IMAK gloves that have been helpful. I wear them while sleeping, driving and when it's cold out. They don't completely eliminate my hand pain but they do cut out the swelling after waking up and the stiffness from work. Which is a 90% improvement for me. Hot baths/showers and heating pads help allot.
Also, I have experienced some cysts or bone spurs that have been painful. A few in my jaw that were surgically removed and a nasty one in my wrist that greatly reduced range of motion. But then I had a motor bike wreck and my super flying and landing skills managed to, I guess, disperse or break it up. If it is a spur, you might be able to feel it...it's like a hard lump that is pretty tender to push on and it's generally only painful in the immediate area. or it was for me.
Keep in mind that we with PSA (especially those on prednisone) tend to be a little short on our Vitamin D and Calcium absorption. It's important to monitor those levels and supplement as necessary. I can tell a big difference on overall aches if I skip the D & Calcium... eh this was long. Sorry. I hope you feel better soon and can find some answers and relief.
Most of this pain has now settled down, but not gone completely. I should have explained that I get bone pain in my Pelvic bone as well as my hip joints, my tail bone, my feet, up my legs from the ankle and on my arms just down from my shoulder joints as well as the heels of my hands and feet. I always have a high reading with my CRP blood test which indicates a high level of inflammation.
Thanks for all your input. I don't take Vitamin D or Calcium but I am going to see if that makes a difference. I have my next Rhuemy appointment at the end of this month and I plan on asking more questions.. In the meantime I will do some internet reading on all of these possibilities.