Doctor Stories - Tell me your funny doctor stories

Well for what its worth my wife had to have not getting dizzy lessons from an OT. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo being the cause. The lessons helped immensly (well except for her pride in having learn how to not get dizzy) The PTs taught her the Epley maneuver in case she forgets…

I didn’t know you could take lessons to avoid getting dizzy. Glad she was able to control her dizziness!

People have often kindly advised me not to be stupid. Not doctors though, they must think it’s incurable.


After having the skin on the end of my nose removed, the main doc (a bit of a pompous character, extremely impressed with himself) and his helper doc were stitching me up. It was taking quite a long time. The main doc was chattering away in a bit of a down-his-nose tone about how he didn’t think I would, but if I did get a bit of a raised scar, they could do dermabrasion and make it smooth again. He pointed out that it was a long way for me to come to Toronto, and that I could probably have it done in Ottawa. He explained that, really, it was a very simple procedure: the same process as sanding down a piece of fine wood. Just the same.

So there I am, lying on my back in the bright light while two masked strangers are doing all this pulling and tugging at my frozen-solid nose.

“Hmmmm” said I with teeth clenched so as not to move. “Ye know, my neigbou iz a really fide woowuker, he has all de toys azwell. Maybe I can jus as him.”

Oh, then the doc goes delightfully (and entirely predictably) arch and patronizing. “Well,” he pronounces “That might work except for one small detail. Your neighbour wouldn’t be able to freeze it. And that would really hurt!”

"Well he might, " I mumbled “Id hiz day job hez an ENT.”

Both docs shrieked with laughter, and couldn’t stop until somebody said “OK, listen, we need to finish this.”

I love the way he walked right into my trap.


Nice!! You got the doctors on this one! Best story yet. I am sure he has told that story hundreds of times since then. Of course making himself look amazing in it.

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