
Hi! I'm a 35 year old mother of two beautiful girls- 1 yr old and 6 yr old.

I have had one diagnosis of Psa with a rheumatologist, one said I have Psa tendencies and another Lyme disease diagnosis.


Neck pain

Upper back pain

Lower back pain (comes and goes)

Plantar Faciitis




Blurred vision

Eye twitch

trouble sleeping

hx anxiety and depression

No visible signs of psoriasis. Father has psoriasis. Please help! Don't know whether to treat for lyme or Psa.

Have you tested positive for Lyme? If so, definitely treat that.

Well Lymes is pretty straight forward so this isn't a terribly difficult decision what to treat. (Its also overly popular right now ranking up there with Gluten sensitivity in Pop Dx) There are a series of Blood tests (3) You start with the Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test if that is positive (there are a lot of false positives) then they run the Western Blot test to confirm the Diagnoses. Now occasionaly they will run in the case of chronic lymes the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. This test is done with fluid drawn from your joints. The big question of course is when did you have the rash???? Lymes ALWAYS has a very distinctive rash. If you are far removed from it (the rash), anything more than a few weeks of doxycycline is all the treatment it will need.

If symptoms continue more antibiotics won't help. Its is pretty well established that in rare instances Lymes will set off an autoimmune response. If that happens its, no longer Lymes disease. There are a few crooks out there that will try to suck a lot of money out of your pocket with a run of bismacine (also called chromacine) While this stuff is great for a stomach ache. injected it will eventually cause kidney failure.

So what does your bloodwork show???

What led to the possible psoriatic arthritis diagnosis? Nail changes? Dactylitis? As lamb said, they should be able to diagnose Lyme disease with no trouble, with or without the rash. I initially had a positive for Lyme, but when they ran the followup test it was negative. I was diagnosed with PsA in no time, with nearly no psoriasis.

What on earth does PsA tendencies even mean? Did they fully examine you for psoriasis, including hidden spots?

I would push for an answer on the Lyme disease question, and ask how they plan on treating you, assuming that the Lyme tests are negative. It certainly sounds like they would be.

If your father has psoriasis (sorry I missed that the first time through, that is very significant (more so than if it were your mother) Autoimmune issues are often autosomal recessive...... Estimates vary but its not uncommon for the arthritis to appear before the psoriasis (10% - 30%) And frankly psoriasis is a rather elusive character. You may well have had it and not known it. I thought for several years I had athletes foot because it only appeared between two of my toes (turned out to be pustular psoriasis same thing with pimple in a rather private spot.....)

Lamb, that’s interesting about AI being autosomal recessive, I will have to do some research.
My dad is the one who has very apparent psoriasis, I only have it in my nails.

In so far as HLA B27 is genetic..................