Confused about anti-cpp antibodies/symptoms

Hi everyone. I'm new here, and new to this arthritis thing - never expected to get it so young (31). Maybe I'm officially old now after all :)

My rheumatologist (does anyone else call them "rheumy" for short?) says my blood work shows strongly for anti-cpp antibodies, which suggests rheumatoid arthritis, but that all my symptoms look like psoriatic arthritis, and has tentatively diagnosed me with the latter with a watching brief on how my symptoms develop further in the further. Clearly I have some form of inflammatory arthritis in any case, and he has started me on leflunomide (I've been taking tramadol and codeine as painkillers already.)

Is it really that unusual for those with psoriatic arthritis to test strongly for anti-cpp antibodies? Has anyone here experienced this?

I can’t help you on the antibody front but wanted to say Hi, Im new here too. Im 45 and just diagnosed PsA. It makes me feel really old too! Are you getting any benefit from the leflunomide yet?

I was just prescribed it this afternoon at my first rheum specialist appointment so I don't know yet. I'll let you know! Are you on leflunomide too? Nice to meet another PsA newbie :)

Hi kiwilady, by your name I think we are in the same part of the world, im in perth, australia. Iv been on methotrexate but was unable to tolerate as i would vomit for days and it began to affect my nutritional status so i then went on leflunomide but thats been ceased due to liver going mad. Im just waiting to see rheumy again.

Hi spammy, its nice to meet you too. You sound like your having a rough time, but hang in there some of the meds take a while to work. I take tramadol for pain but I try not to use anything. I also cant take anti inflammatorys.

Look forward to getting to know you, cheers.

Hi Sophie. Glad to meet you as well. It sure is rough and I'm looking forward to some relief any day now. Thanks for the encouragement.

The meds can really help, my PsA came on in a rapid fashion and it quickly affected my mobility, that was pretty scarey but since starting treatment including steriod inj, aspirations, etc im better on that front. Now i mostly struggle with pain at night which makes sleep difficult and that does get me down a bit but on the whole,it could be worse.How are you adjusting to your very recent diagnosis? Im about 4 months in now.

Yep, I'm from one stop closer to Antarctica ;)

Pain at night is a big problem when it strikes. The worst is when my shoulder joint is hurting, and it's impossible to lie any way that isn't painful. I am determined to not go onto prednisone though (I struggle with weight loss) so am hoping it doesn't get to that. Tramadol makes me very drowsy (side effect) so that helps along with the pain relief.

I've found that using sports braces really help with my wrists and fingers when they flare up, and when my shoulder or elbow flares up, I wear a looped scarf around my neck that I can discrete park my arm into sling-style to take the pressure off the joint. Earlier in the year, I had my left knee and my right ankle both flare up at the same time, and walking was almost impossible! Do you find that happens to you too?

I don't know about the anti-cpp antibodies. What I can tell you, is that the diagnosis isn't necessarily critical. As long as the doctor is treating you for autoimmune arthritis, you are on the right path.

That's good that he started you directly on leflunomide. . . There is research to support that it is much more effective than methotrexate (MTX) for psoriatic arthritis.

FWIW, the two were considered the same for a lot of years, it wasn't until recently they were seperate diseases. Well recently being the late sixties.... everything is relative, I guess...... Stoney has it right Its the getting the treatment that counts. Lots of PsA patients have no blood positive blood work. Some do.

I wake up several times during the night with pain. I found that I didn't wake as many times last night. I think it was due to the epsom salt soak that I did yesterday. I read a suggestion in one of the discussions here to soak in warm water and epsom salt. My feet felt so much better after that. I don't know if it really worked or if I had a placebo effect. Whatever it was, it was nice to have a little relief even though the pain came back a short time later.

How often can epsom salt be used? Is every other day too much?