Cold Sores on Humira?

Hi all!

I’ve been on Humira for about 2 months now and in that time I have gotten 3 cold sores on my lips. I have gotten cold sores before, but am usually a once a year kind of girl.

I reached out to my Primary Care doc about this and she’s calling in a prescription for 500 mg daily of valtrex.

Has anyone had similar experiences? Does anyone take valtrex daily?\


50-80% of adults in the US carry the virus that cause cold sores. Humira lowers your immune system just enough to let it take root. Valtrex will take care of it if thats whats going on. in really rare cases it could be Crohns raring its ugly head if the P in PsA is a bigger problem which happens to about 10% of PsA patients. A change to Stelera usually take care of that. Watch your fatigue levels an keep track if they increase… That may be the only symptom you have other than the cold sores

My sister did her Phd on the herpes virus, the above the waist herpes virus. Interesting wee virus too.