Chronic infections

What does one do if they have chronic sinus infections, I told my rhumey this before I started Enbrel, Do you go back on Enbrel?

Not to be a smart ass but if the danger of a biologic is certain infections ( don't know what they are other than tb and a jungle rot) and you already have a chronic sinus infection that your doc already knows about, I'm not sure you have to worry too much about a chronic chronic infection.

Its sorta like the old Irish saying. . . . If you are sick you will either get well or die. If you get well, you have nothing to worry about. If you die, you have only two things to worry about. Either you go to heaven or you go to hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about. If you go to hell, you will be so busy shaking old friends hands you won't notice where you are.

I seem to stay sick I never had a good immune system as a kid my parents referred to me as Typhoid Mary and often banished me to my room so I wouldn’t get the rest of the family sick, they meant it in fun and took good care of me while I was sick but I was always sick… I told my docs this a few years ago before I started on biologics I don’t think the truly understood until I landed in the hospital repeatedly with lung infections. Before biologis as I was often sick but it was mostly sinus and throat infections, colds, and maybe 5 times in my 25 years did I end up with a lung infection, once on the biologics every time the family got a cold …hubby and 5 kids and the kids in 4 different schools made for a germ factory =/ I would also get it have it more intense and longer and in only 2 years that I was on biologics first humira and then enbrel I ended up having to be admitted to the hospital 3 times with lung infections, and every time I got sick on antibiotics which I must say does not bode well with my internist who worried eventually there would be to high of a resistance build up. The rheumy lowered me from humira to enbrel in a hope that a less high dose of the biologics would mean less illness but that was not the case. I know everyone is different but for me it was to much to handle. Right now I’m on pednisolon and was on MTX as I am in a bad flare but for my birthday my husband gave me a terrible gift …his cold…that was December 30th and I am still sick started an antibiotic 5 days ago and have another 5 to go, the family all got the cold and were all over it in only a few days. I would talk to your doc about the chronic infections ways to prevent them and the best and fastest way to treat them so they don’t interrupt your med cycles if you want to stay in the biologics that is. There is also the option of antibiotic therapy which I hear many doctors are divided on but is an option. For me biologics and no longer an option and neither are a lot of other meds normally I’m only on pain meds and cortisone and when I have a flare the o,d fall back is MTX but only if my liver levels are in the clear which isn’t often, many say meds because quality of life is more important to them for me I say quantity of life is more important and after a few major doc mistakes and some severe liver/kidney damage meds aren’t really much of an option at least not long term I am learning to live my life with my disease. Sarcasm and humor are my ways of coping. When my hands changed their shape and I could no longer even hold a pen properly I went in to a therapy group for people who have lost limbs from accidents or were born without them something Germany started offering as a treatment for arthritis patients seeing as we still have the parts but we sometimes can’t use them. I can now write and actually sew using my index and middle finger learned to open doors with my arms and a bunch of other odd but functional ways to do things that my PSA was making impossible. Anyway here I go again writing a book when I meant a short comment (>.<). Talk to your doc make sure they understand the intensity and frequency of the infections and help you make an informed treatment plan.

thanks tntlamb I always look forward to your insight. You help me through some of my toughest times. But just curious what is jungle rot?

tntlamb said:

Not to be a smart ass but if the danger of a biologic is certain infections ( don't know what they are other than tb and a jungle rot) and you already have a chronic sinus infection that your doc already knows about, I'm not sure you have to worry too much about a chronic chronic infection.

Its sorta like the old Irish saying. . . . If you are sick you will either get well or die. If you get well, you have nothing to worry about. If you die, you have only two things to worry about. Either you go to heaven or you go to hell. If you go to heaven, you have nothing to worry about. If you go to hell, you will be so busy shaking old friends hands you won't notice where you are.

One of the known infections that really goes to town from Enbrel is a fungal infection that only comes from the tropics (jungle).... Back in the day (Viet Nam) we used to lump all those "things" together as jungle rot.....

More funny (to me) is that last words I gave my wife when I put her on the plane yesterday was when she goes zip lining in the jungle in Honduras next week to not come home with "jungle rot"..... (if I have to sleep in the garage when i eat ham and Cabbage, she'll have to live there with jungle rot)

My Rhuemy said that if I had an infection that I had to go off Embrel and go on a course of antibiotics and wait until the course was finished and the infection gone before going back on the Embrel.

Did you have the sinus infection before going on Embrel as I read on one of the Embrel web sites that sinus infection could be a side affect from being on Embrel. I can't remember which web site it was as there was several and I always read a few as sometimes I pick up extra information this way. Check the brochure that comes inside the Embrel packet, there may be something on that or some contact details to get more information.

There is always your general practice doctor to get advice from in between visits to your Rhuemy.

Who knows how where I got it. The ENT said it was from a cold that settles into my ear. Good news though, the ENT called today and the ct scan came back from all clear so I can start back tomorrow!! YEAH!

When I first went on Enbrel, I started having sinus infections and my doc sent me to an ENT for some further testing. Tests showed I was a carrier of strep. I had known that from my last pregnacy but had forgot. My doc talked with me and we decided the risk was not so great with the infections as the psoriatic arthitis. Then about a year later, I had a severe case of strep throat that landed me in the hospital and caused my body to go absolutely crazy. My skin presented with a full blown case of psorisis and my hands and feet presented pustalar psorisis. Needless to say, this ended my run with Enbrel and I have been on Remicade with great results since. Then about a year and half ago, I started having strep throat again and again. It is true; you stay off your biologics as well as any DMARDs during antibotic treatment and my rhem had me stay off an additional 2 weeks after stopping antibotics. Ultimately, I had to have my tonsils out last March and get this; I am still not completely healed in there. But I have not been sick since. I must admit though, it was very hard physically during my time without Remicade and methotrexate. I went a total of 6 months without meds and only pain meds. I thought my disease was not well controlled prior to all this happening but after going through this, I have a whole new appreciation for the life I am able to have today.

I hope you will be feeling better and many good days ahead!


The basic side effects for Enbrel are infections as it works for blocking the immune system. So continuous use may lower your ability to fight infections. Sometimes it may lead to hospitalization or death. If you are developing a serious infection or sepsis. Sinus is okay but if you are getting breathing problems than consult your doctor.