Just had my 3 month rheumy appointment. She was good, basic joint check, listened well etc. Took one look at my inverse psoriasis flare and said that there was no point continuing with Simponi…even at the every 3 week dose, I was slipping in the wrong direction and 6 months is long enough. So…she thought it would be good to try something different from Humira, Rinvoq and Simponi. I have to be off Simponi for 3 weeks and then move on to Taltz monthly injection. She said it is far better at dealing with PsA and psoriasis. Too bad I didn’t go from Rinvoq to Taltz…but I only had the flare of psoriasis in the last 4 weeks or so. Anyone experienced with Taltz?
Talz is the sister med to Cosentyx. Cosentyx is my med which has worked so well for me these past 4 and a half years. It titivates interleukin 17a. Both Cosentyx and Talz have a good reputation for us PsA and indeed psoriasis sufferers. Can be give for either or both issues. Best of luck.
I had dreadful psoriasis on my palms for years. Taltz cleared it up, and my other PsA symptoms are still controlled. Been on it just over a year. Worked for me!
Thanks! While I have inverse psoriasis, for the first time I have a spot on my palm. It’s very faint but itchy and hurts deeper than the skin.
Thanks @Poo_therapy, I am hopeful and was told by the rep for the Talz pharmaceutical company that she has seen Talz work faster than many others, especially on psoriasis.
As a side note…it sure seems like a horrible misuse of expensive drugs that could be helping people who are struggling financially to have unused prescriptions “safely disposed of”. Likely we all have $$$$$$$ worth of meds that didn’t get used due to a change. There should be a way to verify that they have never been opened are pre-expired date. The average monthly dose of things like Humira, Rinvoq or Simponi is around $1500-$2500 USD. I guess meds applied by injection might be hard to verify that they have been kept at proper temperature but pill form should be able to be reused
Worthy thoughts frankly. But it can’t even happen in the UK where only the NHS pays the cost of the meds not the patient at all. All sorts of horrible risks from an insurance perspective and negligence would make that a horror story for suppliers. Or those supplying them on.
It was the worst!
I started Cosentyx 300mg. On my 4th week of the loading doses. My inflammations appeared to have been reduced. I donated my unused Humira pens to my doctor’s office.
Well, 2 auto inject syringes of Taltz are here and ready to try. I guess I can’t stay on prednisone forever. Taking my double dose either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I am thankful that all these RX companies have compassion divisions and the cost of the meds are covered…even my deductible.
Here’s hoping Talz cuts the mustard for you and works sustainably.
I just did my second dose of Taltz, my first go at IL-17 biologics. It’s only been 28 days but either I am just having a few good days or perhaps it is the right stuff. I’m down to 2.5 mg prednisone and not flaring for the first time since October. Everything that was very painful and stiff seems to be mellowing a bit to more stiff than painful. Something just feels like it is lifting…I feel brighter and like I am no longer tense ‘cuz of pain. Fatigue is also less overwhelming. Maybe, just maybe, Taltz is correcting things. I’ll update as the week goes on.
Good news @Amos!
Remember it’s a relatively slow burner not as slow as Cosentyx but slow enough. You might dip after your loading doses (you are doing one of them aren’t you? I believe they are two sorts of loading doses) but then hang on in there until it picks up again. Patience with IL17 meds is really necessary.
Well @Poo_therapy, you are right on in your evaluation of things. I did start with two injections and now the regular dose of one. I was pretty shocked this morning that I could go from almost no PsA symptoms to feeling like garbage 12 hours later. Very slow getting going this morning, hands are so stiff and sore, back issues and it’s painful to stand on my feet. Oh well, three days of feeling normal was a real blessing. The future remains a mystery and hope lives on!
Hang in there for at least 9 months to a year. My theory with IL (any number) biologics is that they are so much more targeted it takes longer for the teeny IL17a (not even the whole of 17) titivation to make its difference. Remember for me on Cosentyx also titivating IL17a it took until the end of month 8 for it to work sustainably for me. And then it did marvellously. So the wait whilst so frustrating and hard was worth it. Like you I got short bursts of what that might feel like for those long 8 months.
This is all very reassuring. I suspect that this will be the next category for me as well. Humira never did a fabulous job for me and I’ve been on it four years now. Good enough isn’t really all that good
So, here we go! After managing prednisone at 1.25, today I attempt going without the little demon on my shoulder. My “gauge” will be what psoriasis does to me. It always manifest before I head into increased joint pain. I take 100 to 200mg Celebrex at night (approved by my pharmacist) which has allowed better sleep. I have noticed that I have less energy swings now that the prednisone is pretty much out of my system and feel more “relaxed” of mind. Hard to explain but though pain persists, my head feels better…just more on my game without the P. I have much to be thankful for and appreciate the fact that I can still ride a bike, walk a couple of km’s and use my hands with good dexterity. All of the above comes with increased pain but the mobility is a blessing!
Pred always increases psoriasis though. That’s the vicious circle.