I was wondering if it is possible to have PSA and lupus? For the past couple of weeks my fatigue has been utterly soul destroying. I can’t concentrate on anything. I get fatigue when my PSA flares but this is another level entirely. I’m having worse than normal pain in my hands and shoulders. My head feels like it’s going to explode with headaches.
I’ve also been breaking out in a red rash over my nose and cheekbones. My cheeks feel really badly sunburned even though it’s winter and I haven’t been outside. To me it looks a very similar shape to the butterfly rash. It’s on my cheeks but spares the naso-labial folds.
Irishchick! I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how you are. I’m sorry to hear that you’re not great at the moment.
Of course you can have both: where there’s one autoimmune condition, there’s often another. Lucky us, huh? Have you gone to see your rheumatologist about this? Take pictures of that rash in case it disappears before you get to the appointment.
How have you been otherwise? More or less in control of the PsA monster?
Hello Seenie lovely to hear from you too. Sorry I haven’t been on much I got a new laptop and lost all my sites in my favourite folder.
I wasn’t doing too bad on mtx and stelera until recently until this recent blip.
I have taken pics of the rash. The doc put me on 40mg of pred and I improved a little. Crashed again now that I’m off them. Joint pain is not too bad but the rash on my face is burning and I was so weak today I just cried. Also have chest pain and terrible headaches.
I rang the doc and he said I have to go back in first thing tomorrow. strong text
Hi there, how you doing? Did you get any help from your doc? That sounds like a horrible combination of symptoms, plus I think blips, (hopefully this will be just a blip), are very hard to take when it’s been a long, hard slog to get on top of things.
You’re in hospital … flipping heck. Bit lost for what to say, I hope you’re getting a good rest at least. I hope the results of the echo are reassuring. Fingers crossed for you Irishchick.
How are you doing now, Irishchick? What was the outcome of your “adventure” in the hospital? Drop by and let us know when you get a minute.
Hope you are well again!
I’m not great Seenie. They sent me home basically blaming it on a ‘virus’ (this mysterious unnamed ‘virus’ seems to be responsible for a lot in my life) even though I wasn’t ill.
I’m booked in for a 24h ecg monitor next week but I have to wait till the middle of March for an appointment to discuss the results.
I’m still having bad chest pain and breathlessness and lightheadedness. Very fatigued and weak too.
Oh my … I’m so sorry that you’re still struggling. They’re the docs, I know, but I really have to wonder about the “virus” story. It seems to me that suspecting PsA makes more sense than blaming a virus that you have no recollection of ever “meeting”. Maybe the ecg monitor results will shed some light.
I’m surprised that @tntlamb hasn’t tossed his two cents in!
My surgery was scheduled for June, but has been moved up to March. If it were moved up again, I’d be happy: I just want to get this over with.
Sending best wishes that you’ll “shake that virus”!
@Irishchick my initial GP blamed my initial onset of symptoms on a virus (claimed I had reactive arthritis) until my rheum had taken a look at me. Have you also discussed with your rheum or just the hospital doc?