Can I get some cheese with that whine?

Bit of babbling for the evening. Gearing up to see the rheumatologist dark-and-early at 0730 tomorrow morning. And honestly? Feeling fairly miserable. Right foot is as bad as it's been since whenever. Swollen and sort of hot-feeling. I've been on my feet a lot the past two days, between work, appointments (mammo, dental cleaning) and back and forth to my parents' house. The foot is Not Impressed. If it could yell at me, I think it would. But it can't, so it's doing the only thing available to it, which is hurt like hell.

Possibly I should have put a whine warning on this post. Sorry. I'm worried about tomorrow, realizing I have to do some things for me -- take better care of myself, lose some weight, take things seriously. I don't have to do those things RIGHT NOW, I realize, but I think this foot thing is just kinda wearing me down? It looks really bad. I'll put a photo up -- I took one the other day, but it looked so icky I felt weird about anyone seeing it. You know what I mean?

Did I mention my left hip is still acting up as well? Comes and goes, I don't even know, but maybe I can get a steroid shot for that or something.

Wow, yeah, this is a whine-o-rama. ::wince::

Okay, so photo and then I'm going to stop the Festival O' Complaining. Will post again when I actually have a clue what's going on. Y'all have a good one.

Ugly Foot of Doom Warning:

Aw it looks really have every reason to complain, whine, yell, scream and even cry! That pain can be impossible to bear sometimes. Does icing it help at all? Or alternating between ice and heat? I never had much problem with swelling--although my rheumy could feel it and now that I'm on Enbrel my feet and hands look less plump. But, and no need to be embarrassed with us, yours looks painful! I hope you can get some sort of relief for that.

Here I am in bed on my phone. Whine all you want, Janissa, that’s what were here for. That foot looks bad. Angry bad. Seriously bad. I notice that, like me, the inflammation is in your midfoot, and not so much in your toes. Interesting. Tell us what the doc says! Good night.

Oh my good dear God, that foot looks ouchie! I would say you have every right to cry, whine, gnash your teeth...whatever helps get through the day! I'm no sloucher when it comes to dealing with pain, and I tend to swell up in weird places, but I can honestly say my feet usually aren't swollen. I think if mine did what yours are doing, I'd be camping out at the Rheumy's office and crying and whining to anyone who would listen. So go for it! That is totally what we are here for!

Anyway, I'm great for giving advice, not so good at taking my own, but here goes: Stay off it as much as possible. Alternate ice/heat (ice 20 minutes on, 40 minutes off then heat 20 minutes on, 40 minutes off. Rinse and repeat). Raise above heart level for at least 30 minutes every 2 hours. Wrap in ace bandage - not so tight that it cuts off the circulation, but enough to squish some of that swelling out. Most important: do nothing until you talk to your doctor :) See. I'm good at telling people how to take care of themselves. Take care and please let us know what the doc tells you. We truly do care about you and want to know you are doing okay.

Youch, that looks really sore. Well, at least your rheumy has a good “exhibit A” to work with!

I hope it feels better soon :slight_smile:

My feet get like that. My best solution is to soak it in some warm Epsom salts water (you will actually absorb the magnesium and it will reduce the swelling) and then soak it for a while in ice water. After that elevate it for a good long while (higher than your heart). You will be amazed how much it will help.

Sometimes my feet need the ice water and elevation several times in a day. Once a day is usually enough for the Epsom salts.

Ouch! You are not whining… This is the place to share this kind of scary symptom, because we can relate. Please tell us what your doctor has to say, and feel better soon!

So what happened at the rheumie’s, Janissa? I hope s/he has a plan that will make you feel better.

Ugh. I can only add this...