Bunionectomy and implant

Hi all. Having surgery on Monday getting a little nervous... This I have to thank Psoriatric Arthritis for. Had surgery on the same toe 12 years ago. Until last week I had never heard of a joint replacement for a toe..If someone could help guide me I may be able to post pics as I go. Right now I have one on Facebook---just don't know how to transfer them

I may add more later. Huggs


Good luck with your surgery. Let us know how it goes.

To post pics here I believe they have to be on whatever device you’re using to post. I’ve posted pics here from my iPhone and from my laptop. You can add them to a blog post or a discussion you post. Sometimes not all the options for posting or editing appear on a mobile device, though.

I will. Just had to be ready for it. Been fighting it for a year


Good luck with this!


Ty so much. I will keep e1 posted