Brain Fog: PsA or something else?

Dingleberries... How did I remember that?

Louise Hoy said:

Lol lamb! We call those "Klingons"

Yes Brain Fog....some days really bad. I was looking for my stevia drops...couldn't find them anywhere, put them in the fridge and left the coconut milk out. Couldn't find a bottle of meds, stuck them in a candle on the shelf above my meds. My short term memory is brutal!! I lose my keys almost daily...forget what I want to say, find myself having to write notes for reminders.

No fibromyalgia

No Meds for Fibro

Yes to brain fog and yes to fibro. All meds were put on hold to find out which I am having a bad reaction too,

Depending on the day it could be anywhere from 1 - 11. I've lost track of all the things that can affect it. My daughter laughs because she knows I call everyone sweety because I can't remember the name I want