Hi Everyone,
This is a wonderful Forum with incredible Moderators and Members. Let's work together to make it even better.
I know it's easy to get caught up in emotional issues but we have to remember Ben's Friends Guidelines.
They protect us all and are found on the Main Page.
Let's Keep it Nice & Clean
1. No Spam
2. No Personal attacks
3. No Offensive content (profanity, sexual references, illegal activity subject matter, pornographic material or photos)
4. No Profanity, sexual references and illegal activity subject matter are not allowed in the Chat Room.
5. Specific doctor or hospital names mentioned in a negative context, for legal reasons.
Specific doctor or hospital names in a positive context are welcome.
Thanks for your cooperation.
The main one we have issues with on Forums is:
Specific doctor or hospital names mentioned in a negative context, for legal reasons.
This not only protects Ben's Friends but Members from unwanted lawsuits.
I totally understand we all have negative experiences with Medical Providers and Facilities. You can still discuss the situation just please not by using names.
We also have had an issue on another Forum about Members feeling Bullied, so lets be respectful of all Members and agree to disagree.
Let's keep Natural Healing tips & recommendations on the Natural Healing Group. We have had Member complaints that some Members feel uncomfortable with some of the Natural Healing Discussions for various reasons.
I actually started the first Natural Healing Group and it is so successful, we added it to every Ben's Friends Forum. It is an excellent venue to share and discuss information and tips.