Arglebargle - Failed Again

Hi, whiney me again. So after eliminating the other meds I’m guessing we’re pretty sure the Otezla is the culprit of my constant GI upset. So I’ve failed yet another drug because I can’t seem to tolerate it.

Next on the wheel of meds to try (do they have a wheel and spin it I wonder?) is Orencia. We’re going with infusions, my Rheum said, because “if we do the injections and it doesn’t work we’ll just wonder if the infusions would have worked better” :joy:

I’m getting a break first, as we’ve got to go through insurance approval, but also to give my system a rest and see if the GI upset actually improves, so I’ll just be on methotrexate for a few weeks until I get an infusion set up.

Anyone have experience with doing infusions? Any advice for a newbie?

Drat. That’s a bummer, SFlicker. I do believe that one of our moderators, @janeatiu, will have something to say about Otezla and its GI effects.

We don’t hear that much about infusions here, although there are a few members who have had them. (I’m guessing you’re headed for Remicade?) It will be interesting to see what people have to say about it. Have you tried doing a search using the search tool? You might try breathing some life into an old thread and see what people are saying now.

Onward and upward, Flicker! The battle goes on. It has to: the alternative is worse.


I am on my 3rd Remicade infusion, first biologic to work. I have had Otezla, Stelara, and Enbrel to no avail. I do remember stomach problems with Otezla, didn’t even clear up the Ps…
The infusion takes two hours, so just enough time to watch a movie…

Orencia, actually. Apparently fairly new in being approved to treat PsA, originally for RA.

My Rheum said the infusions should last about an hour at most, probably more like a half hour.

I did find a few old threads but most are several years old. I might have to poke around more after work. :blush:

Do you have to keep your arm still during? I’m kind of wondering if I’ll be able to knit during the infusion, because I like to keep my hands busy. Lol.

It depends where they put the needle, I have deep veins so they put it in my hand, that would be difficult to knit!

Oh dear! The hand? Maybe I’ll just bring my knitting and a book, just in case :slightly_smiling_face:

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If you have normal veins shouldn’t be a problem, but always good to have a back up plan!

My veins are usually pretty good, so I’m not too worried :blush:

Good luck! I hope this is the answer for you!

I would think that it’s the same as any IV: usually either in the top of the hand or the crook of the elbow. You will be quite comfortable and be able to move around with it in either place because they will tape it down so it won’t dislodge. When they insert the IV, they do it with a needle, but the needle is removed leaving only a fine little piece of soft plastic tubing in your vein. So it doesn’t bother you at all. Bring your book and your knitting, and keep yourself busy!
Hope it goes well for you!

Thanks @Grandma_J I hope it is too!

I was wondering if there’s how they’d do it. :blush: Thanks!

Yes, they secure the needle with tape, it is just that if it is on the top of the hand, it might not facilitate knitting… The other problem I had, the recliner lever was on the same side as the infusion arm!

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