I Am A Failure At Otezla Rheumy Wants To Go to Orencia

Ok I admit it I am a fail at Otezla. My trial period with Otezla did wonders for the Psoriasis and zero for the arthritis. The cosmetics of the disease be damned! I want the pain the swelling to go away. The flare ups were intense in spite of the Otezla. Depression and nausea just got worse.

I saw my Rheumatologist today. She offered me a choice of infusions or injections. I admit I am a big baby with needles and I don’t want to burden hubby with the task (besides he fainted at the sight of the needle when we had to get our blood test for our Marriage license). Meanwhile, I can barely use my fingers to tie my own shoes. If it weren’t for an IPad I wouldn’t be able to type ( as slow as I am using this). The pain is becoming more than I can bear. The Rheumy was painting a rather rosey picture for hubby saying a lot of patients do well with infusion therapy. I asked her what is her estimation I will be one of them. She said let’s try it and see. Remember he’s been believing someday I will be “cured” ( how I wish it were so). I have been using a walking stick (cane) for almost a year. When he suggested I get rid of it, I scoffed. In fact, I find myself unsteady on my feet lately. I haven’t fallen but there have been a few times but for the cane I would have.

I have had PsA a lot longer than I know -according to my Dermatologist probably around 23 years (untreated). Though he did start treating me for psoriasis about 18 years ago. The arthritis-Psoriasis connection wasn’t made until this past June.

I am once again in the gap while the insurance company determines IF they will approve the Orencia. Then we start the process again.
Sorry to be a downer but it’s hard to talk to my family about this when they either avoid talking about it (my 29 yr old son) or when they just want to believe that unicorns are real (my husband).

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Gosh SharonB,your story reads identical to mine!
Otezla has been a miracle for my psoriasis which I’ve never been clear of since the age pf 7,and I’m now 52!but like you,it has not been at all helpful for the PsA. I recently tried 10mg of Arava,with no improvement either,my rheumy wanted me to increase to 20 mg,but I haven’t done that yet,as I’m not sure if it’s the right way to go.
Do you take prednisolone at all?it is the only thing that helps my terrible enthesitis pain.
I really feel for you, and fingers crossed, this next drug will be helpful.

Big hugs and I so hope this will be a small ‘gap’ for you.

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@ouch1 yes she prescribed prednisone but I am already struggling with weight gain due to Thyroid disease- don’t you just love autoimmune diseases you just can’t have just one.
So I will be on prednisone for a few days to help take the swelling down while I sit and wait for the insurance company to make a decision. The dermatologist wanted me to try Tremfya but the Rheumatologist didn’t think it was approved for PsA yet. The brochure he gave me indicated otherwise. Now I am feeling like a ping pong ball between them.
Thank you @Poo_therapy I hope so too.

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