A talk about PsA

Karen posted a link to this video a while back. It’s so good that I want to recommend it again. Thanks. Karen!

From karen’s post:
I came across this video that it quite lengthy, but VERY informative and shot straight from the hip of a leading PsA doctor. It is fairly recent.


I listened to it the other day and wrote two pages of notes that I took with me to my last doctors appointment. It really is informative! I have learned so much from that video and reading posts on this site. Information really helps with understanding and learning what I need to do to help make my quality of life better. Thanks everyone!

Thanks for the post. I hadn't seen that one before.It definitely added some helpful information for me. I wish they knew more about the disease.

Thanks for the share. The video contained info about a number of studies of which I wasn't aware. I wish Dr. Kaul would have talked a little more about energy levels and fatigue though.

I would have liked that too, as well as depression.