Just KIDDING! But....I walked my dog 3 miles or so, and I haven't done that in several years! Yes, I am tired now, and yes there was a little pain, but not the kind of pain that sends you back early from the hike, limping in pain. Oh it felt so good. Soooooo gooood!
I have gotten migraines the day after the shot, but I am not sure if that was really from the shot cuz I get them periodically anyways. Also have had sweating episodes too, like my temperature doesn't know what to do. But again, that could be normal "heat waves" as I call them bc I am almost 50.
Oh, about the 10K thought, while I walking I thought of how "used to be able to" run a 10k. Well it was only 2 times and that WAS 20 years ago. So....what ever, I am so glad to be able to walk the dog down the road and thru the local campground!
The rest of my day was spent telling myself not to "over do it"! :-)