Thanks for sharing your experiences with Xeljanz. My doc just recommend it. I’m on Humira, which has helped, but not enough. I’m waiting to see if my insurance will approve it. I hadn’t heard of it before, so I really appreciate the info.
Glad to hear that the xeljanz is working for you. I just started it about a month ago, so keeping my fingers crossed I have the same success with it as you. Hope your wrist is feeling better!
This update is long overdue!
Since my last update I’ve been doing some intensive physical therapy for my wrist. I have to go back later on this year to remove the metal plate they placed in my wrist in December (what a bummer!) since I’m at a high risk for a tendon rupture. The surgery was a success overall though. I’d do it all over again.
As far as Xeljanz, a few symptoms have showed up. It appears I may have developed some photosensitivity but only on my face. My rheum thinks it could be Xeljanz since it’s the only medicine I’m on that would cause it. I’ve been using sunblock and whatnot when I leave the house, but sometimes I still find my face burning. I’ve also developed patches of psorasis on my scalp again as well as some stubborn joint pain that won’t go away. Going to ride this out until July when I see my rheum next and we’ll go from there. I feel like if I was able to tolerate DMARD’s, I’d probably be okay pain wise. Labs are good as well.