When is it time to stop working?

In the US there are two sure fired ways to get disability one is piss yourself during the interview. The other is to get a doc to write a note saying your condition is causing severe mental (especially depression issues) Being in a wheel chair isn’t enough. The guy in our local Social Security office is a quad and taps out the answers with a chop stick in his teeth. BUT before any of that happens you have got to have documented proof of Failure to get employment through Vocational Rehab, Failure of Relief through Pain Management, PT and other medical intervention. Just having a “condition” isn’t enough. That’s why PsA isn’t listed. I can’t do what I spent 16 years learning to do, but I found out there was other things I could do. (they just didn’t pay what I was used to…) But if you you can live on $1,258.00 quit working and go for it. Don’t forget you go 18 months paying for health insurance out of pocket. Its wrong its sucks in every-way possible. So please don’t think I’m unsymathetic, But the simple answer is Its time to quit working when every avenue from retraining to psychiatry has been exhausted,