What to look for in a good Rhuemy

I've kinda been not happy with my Rhuemy, he doesn't seem to answer my questions well and doesn't really offer much advice.

I went this week to a second rheumy whom I found a little rushed and quick to put drugs in me. He did drain fluid from my knee and gave me chordisone shots in my knees, it has relieved the pain, which is good. But still not sure of him either.

I'm going to see a third. Wondering if anyone has advice on what I should ask and look for, I'm trying to find someone I can work with as this will be a lifelong thing.


Good luck! This is someone that you'll be working with long term, so it's important to have a good relationship.

I've been to lots of rheumy's over my life with PsA, ranging from pediatric to adult rheumy's.

The best dr's listen and BELIEVE ME when I explain what is going on, not relying on only labwork or what SHOULD be happening. I often have weird responses to meds, and it doesn't help when a doc says "that's impossible", it really wrecks the trust component I think one has to have with a specialist.

Thanks, I'm going to see a third one and hope I can feel a connections as opposed as you say, just relying on lab work!!

Marietta said:

I've been to lots of rheumy's over my life with PsA, ranging from pediatric to adult rheumy's.

The best dr's listen and BELIEVE ME when I explain what is going on, not relying on only labwork or what SHOULD be happening. I often have weird responses to meds, and it doesn't help when a doc says "that's impossible", it really wrecks the trust component I think one has to have with a specialist.

Thank goodness my rheumy doesn't rely solely on lab work. I am completely seronegative. I don't even have an elevated sed rate! We judge how well things are under control by joint involvement, inflammation, and my current list of complaints. When my achilles tendons kicked in last year as well as other tendons, it was time for an increase in meds.

When you say tendons, where? The arch of my left foot hurts on and off, some days It's really hard to walk. Does that sound like a spot that PsA would affect?

Stoney said:

Thank goodness my rheumy doesn't rely solely on lab work. I am completely seronegative. I don't even have an elevated sed rate! We judge how well things are under control by joint involvement, inflammation, and my current list of complaints. When my achilles tendons kicked in last year as well as other tendons, it was time for an increase in meds.