I’ve been with the same Rheumy since diagnosis around 8 years ago. Recently I was diagnosed with Crohns, as well as another complication requiring a specialist that is also managed at my local major hospital.
So far the care has been absolutely stellar at the hospital outpatient- quick, responsive, even with a nurse line, and even in Covid (though we are very much in a quiet period of no new infections where I live at the moment).
I’ve never loved my Rheumy, but respect that he’s a smart, experienced medic who knows his stuff (even if he’s scared of biologics).
Anyway, now that I’ve got these other specialists through the hospital, it makes sense to get transferred to a Rheumy there. But I’m hesitating, and I’m not even sure why.
Perhaps because he has the only long-term medical knowledge of me? I’ve had Crohns for 30 years (yes you read that right) and only just been believed enough to get a solid diagnosis now (my current gastro is clearly quite disgusted at this). But my Rheumy picked this from the start, and treated it when the last gastro fobbed me off with a non-answer.
The Rheumy is an hours drive away, charges full fee, and has pretty much said he believes now that all my arthritis is Crohns-related, so I think he’s washed his hands of me.
So any comments? Am I just hesitating because of all the uncertainty at the moment? (Both generally in the world and for me personally with a couple of other diagnoses / diseases popping up).
Or do I give myself a bit more time to make this decision?
Are you saying that he thinks you do not have PsA? And that’s your current rheumy, right?
Sounds like a tricky decision to make. It takes me 4 hours at least to get to my rheumy. I suppose this is because the UK is such a massive territory with fantastic transport systems
But I wouldn’t factor in ease of access really, I just want a good rheumy. Who do you really think is best?
I would probably try out the rheumatologist at your local hospital.
My rheumatologist that I’ve been seeing for the last 13 years just retired. She was very smart, and really on top of things. I was very nervous to try the new rheumatologist but I figured that I would try her out. So far I’ve seen her twice, and I’ve been very happy with how she’s treating me so far.
In my case, I was forced into the change. But it sounds like it could really be beneficial to you to make the change as well.
I’m with what @Sybil pointed out. I’m afraid both Crohns and PsA (and whatever else) need monitoring not just Crohns. And whilst meds can treat both etc etc, that’s not an excuse to dismiss one of them is it? It sounds like the Crohns was dismissed first only to now put itself firmly back in the view point. And now your present rheumy is wanting to dismiss PsA??? None of that makes sense does it? It’s not a ruddy seesaw is it, it’s different conditions happening at the same time. Try out the new one and ask he doesn’t fall into the ‘seesaw’ mentality too but works with and consults with your gastro guy. Best of luck.
Oh Poo, you do make me laugh sometimes which is good, because I feel as exasperated as you sound. And I rather feel like I’m on a very uncomfortable ruddy seesaw at the moment!
Currently at the pharmacy getting budesonide. Supposed to not be a systemic steroid but help the gut only. So I’m not too sure how I feel about that - few side effects, but I guess it won’t work for the PsA - I’d like to be able to use my hips and back more reliably too!
You might find if your gut is helped reliably then your hips and back might ‘buck’ up too. However if you insist on riding feisty horses and being thrown off them, your poor back and hips might not forgive you for that! Sorry I couldn’t resist…
As a child I rode a horse weekly which threw me into the same patch of nettles also weekly. I think after about 9 months we came to an arrangement which suited us both. He finally fell in love with me. It helped.
I’ve got plenty of practice from when I was a kid too . Gave him a rest and got on a trained one today - I wasn’t able to do much, but lovely regardless.
If you haven’t been thrown, you haven’t REALLY ridden. Have you ever looked closley at horse skull? Once you realize they have brain about the size of a gopher, it all becomes clear…
Then I’ve definitely ridden, a LOT … I thought I was just a bad rider. Poor horse has a tiny brain but he’s not even using what he’s got cause he’s in flight mode! Back to desensitisation for him.
Meanwhile, lasts weeks ride was a bit more civilised image|469x500