I was amazed on another discussion at the wealth of information or helpful hints for making life easier and more meaningful with PsA. I use frozen vegetables to boost nutrition easily in casseroles. What works for you? We could all benefit!
I also pick up a bouquet of flowers at the grocery store. It really lifts my spirits.
- Frozen blueberries...mini popsicles of fruit. Supposedly they help with inflammation. I like them and they freeze really well.
- Making lists so that I can check things off and feel like I accomplished things. Even if # 1 is get up and get dressed - sometimes that is a big thing to do.
- Social media - I feel connected and not alone.
- A "happy light" for light therapy. Really helps lift my mood.
- More meaningful? ....hmmm. Creating things and knowing that I am leaving a legacy (something I sew, paint, write).
- Prayer...I can't do without it.
Making life easier, but not more meaningful, I have given myself permission to use my dryer. I’ve always used the clothesline, except in winter. In winter I would haul everything upstairs to the loft, where I have a large drying rack. That was my dryer all winter. This year I decided that I was allowed to use my tumble dryer. I feel guilty some days, but the energy that comes along wires and in pipelines isn’t the only energy that counts. And what a difference that has made to laundry day!
When the weather warms up, I’ll be back to the clothesline. More work, yes, but I love being outside and the fresh smelling clothes are the big payoff!
I joined an online minimalist group, which gives me just the boost I need everyday to simplify my life, let go of things, and make life easier. The less stuff, the less I need to clean up! I'm concentrating on only having in my living area things that are useful or add beauty to my life.
I have a variety of meals I can make that fit our food restrictions and require different amounts of energy. This lets me make fancier stuff when I'm up to it, or just stick something in the oven/crockpot and call it a day when I'm not up to cooking. I try to make double or triple batches of things that freeze well when I can.
I make it a point to go outside every day, even if it's just one step out the door. I breathe in the fresh air, absorb some sunlight (when available) and look up at the sky/clouds/trees and give thanks for all the blessings in my life.
I pray. I go to worship. I go to Tuesday Night Sunday School (food, fun, and fellowship!). I sing in the church choir.
I do things that feed my soul, not sap my energy.
I laugh. I laugh with my kids, with my friend, with my husband. I laugh at myself - at every malfunction of my body, including the time my husband was trying to help me out of bed and my shoulder dislocated and my hip popped out of joint at the same time and I was laughing so hard I couldn't help him help me. We finally got my body sorted out and my husband asked if I was in any pain, which sent me into hysterical laughter again. Apparently he's never dislocated a shoulder. LOL
When I need a quick and easy protein boost, I mix chia into juice or water and enjoy. I adore chia.
Switching to a gluten free diet was a pain, but a necessary one, and I really missed fresh bread (still do). I don't like gluten free bread all that much, at least not unless it has been toasted. So, I bought myself a small cheap toaster for work and a fridge and now I can make freshly toasted ham and cheese sandwiches for my lunch! And who doesn't love the smell of toast? Makes work and lunch a LOT easier!!
I’ve always insisted on using fresh ingredients when I’m cooking, but that’s something I’ve stopped doing when I’m struggling with PsA, I now use what is energy saving instead.
I love my hand held blender, zap stuff so I no longer have to cut things smaller for stews etc … the only way I could get veg into one son was if it was too small for him to pick out!
Everyday I do something for me that gives me joy