What is Psa

Hi. I’ve recently been diagnosed with psa, I don’t really understand the disease and it’s processes, meaning I’m struggling a bit. I don’t have a formal diagnosis of psoriasis, but the Rheumi thinks this will present later? Is this possible? Any information is greatly recieved. I’ve now had sulfalazine for three weeks, with no effect yet.

Hi there, yes you can present with psoriasis later, after joint problems begin and I don’t think anyone can predict your personal disease path as we all have a variety of different problems encountered at different times in our journeys. Unfortunately its sort of trial and error with treatment that works and lifestyle changes that help…sometime someone can say have you thought of doing…? And as easy as that a problem is worked around. I find that’s the key of it for me, taking the attitude of what I can do and how I can outwit the disease, I feel I’ve got one over it today as I’ve managed to swim for the first time in weeks. I know its hard but try not to let it get you down…we all have resoruces of inner strength and fortitude and this is when you need it. When you have bad days, we’re here. Good luck x