Just noticed that I can bend my toes but cannot straighten them again this only happens on my right foot. They will straighten if I use my hands and I never even noticed up until yesterday when my toes bent back and I got a really horrible pain in my foot I know this sounds really funny and believe me it has amused me all day ( I think if i didnt laugh i would probably cry)but was wondering whether any of you have this problem or know what it could be
I know that tendons can tighten along the top of the foot, and temporarily (an hour to a month) pull toes in all sorts of funny directions. I haven't had this happen but have heard of it happening to many people. Perhaps heat, soaking in Epsom salts, or gentle massage may help a bit. That and getting your PsA under control (always the goal, not always achievable).
sounds like my fingers. but they are worse than that because i cant make a fist or completely open them even with help from the other hand. on my primary hand the middle and the ring finger are bent at a 45 and 90 degree angles, respectively. and right now this particular hand is COLD right now. My primary hand is so weakened and decrepit i am trying to do more and more things with my other hand. I have already had surgery on it and really dont want to have another one(miserable experience) but i guess i have no choice. it will suck. having surgery on your primary hand SUX. anyway i digress. yeah some of my toes are FAT and ugly. doesnt really matter noone ever looks at my toes but it is not particularly painful. but i dont play with my toes. the mtx seems to be slowly helping with those. but nothing really helps with my hands. poor hands.
Do get it checked by your doctor to find out the reason why this is happening to you. You do need to rule out all other possible reasons or to know if it has been caused by PsA.
Hi thanks for all the replies. I am going to see the nurse specialist on the 20th so will ask her and let you all know what she says
Hi James sorry to hear that you are having so many problems and pain with your hands like you said I can cover the toes up and they don’t really affect me as they are not swollen or painful in any way have been having a few problems with that particular foot so will put it down to the psa until I go and see them on the 20th I have problems with my fingers but they are not nearly as bad as yours my heart goes out to you. I have painful nodules on the fingers and most of my fingers swell up both my wrists are swelled and cause me a great deal of pain I also have problems with opening jars dropping things and strength in my wrists and hands but use hand and wrist splints on a daily basis and they help me a lot. I have tried methotrexate and had a reaction to it so it is not something I can use I have been on Enbrel since January and it doesn’t work for me I just seem to be getting worse. The rheumy has put me on leflunamide as well as the enbrel to see if that works but I have to try it for the next 6 months if not he will switch me to humira just wish I could find something that works. The trouble with this illness is that it affects so many different joints just as you get used to one problem and the effects it causes you on a daily basis then it will switch to another place and you have to learn to cope and adapt all over again just to do simple daily tasks what most people take for granted oh well rant over nice speaking to you