I was wondering if anyone else gets headaches as a Psa symptom. I have had the rhuematology nurse tell me it’s not a Psa symptom, despite the fact that it IS one of my symptoms.( She also maintains fatigue is not a symptom.) My Psa didn’t get the memo obviously.
Meds have helped to a greater extent now I am taking mtx and celecoxib plus prednisone, but this last week, periodically, I have had one that feels like a hot painful wire up the back of my scalp. Usually when they hit it’s more aches like a bastard in a general scalp and inside feeling. They settle in like a moocher in ones hut and don’t leave until they feel like it.
So I get migraines, and I associate the painful scalp with that. When the migraines are under control this tends to be less of a problem. This from the woman who was up at 5am taking migraine meds.
I don’t know if it had any relationship to PsA, although I did see an interesting article just yesterday showing a relationship between migraines and rheumatoid arthritis. So there’s that. Regardless, if your doctor really thinks that fatigue isn’t a symptom I would look long and hard at whether this is the right doctor for you. Fatigue IS a symptom.
Yes! And it took me going to see my GP about the headaches and tender swellings at the base of my skull (anywhere from the knobbly bit behind my ear to the very centre above my spine) for it to be diagnosed as enthesitis ie. inflamed attachment points for the tendons which hold your head on! As soon as he said the words I thought “of course it’s the PsA”. Now when I get that familiar headache starting I gently explore the back of my head to find where the swelling is. If the tenderness is more of a problem than the headache I use diclofenac gel on it rather than take an oral anti-inflammatory. And I find an ice pack on the back of my neck/head helps too.
I guess PsA was a better outcome than going in to the doc convinced I had some kind of weird brain tumour.
I don’t get terrible headaches, but I do get sharp pains inside my head. Lately it’s been worse. I was told it was called temporal arteritis when I only had it on the side of my head. But now that I get the sharp stabbing pains inside my entire head—mostly in the sides, front and middle (not in the back) I think this is what it is: https://americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/ice-pick-headaches/
That describes it perfectly…just one more thing to talk to my doctor about .
My Rheumi said fatigue isn’t a symptom or side effect? All of us seem to have it🤪.
Switching my Rheumi! Medical schools need to do a better job at researching😳
I have a scheduled 6-month appointment in November with my Internist and one with my Rheumatologist in December, but I decided I can’t wait, so I messaged my internist this week. I was able to get an appointment with a P.A. for next Wednesday. I’m fed up with everything, really. My left butt and hip started hurting several months ago and it just doesn’t go away–it keeps getting worse! My neck has been hurting longer than that, and sometimes it feels like it can’t hold my head up! I’m sooooooo sick of this stuff! The sharp pains in my head are less frequent now. I’m wondering if I had some sort of virus that caused those. I had been around several grandkids who had a flu-like illness with high fever, sore throat, etc. I couldn’t avoid them. I sometimes think the glands on the sides of my neck are swollen and that’s why my neck hurts–which could be fighting off a virus…???
Oh, not to mention I have new psoriasis all over my lower legs and upper arms. These are places I never had psoriasis throughout my life! Just so sick of all of this! I swear my 94 year old mom is in better shape than me!
Anyone want to join my pity party???
Sorry @nzbee for hijacking your discussion!