Vitamin D deficiency


I have been having severe fatigue, depression with my PSA, and I had noticed that a couple years ago my Vit D was low, at 23 ng/ml. My Rhematologist didn't seem to think anything about it then. The fatigue became much worse along with the depression, so she re-tested me, and I had dropped to 18 ng/ml (sufficient is 30-100). She put me on a weekly mega dose of 50,000IU a couple weeks ago, and I think I feel the fog starting to lift a bit. Has anyone else had a problem with low Vit D levels? I have read it is common for those who have autoimmune disorders.

Thanks, Sherry

It’s common for everyone, not just us PsA folks. Most adults are low on D. I haven’t personally had a problem, but one of my neurosurgeon friends recommended taking D. He says its really good for any arthritis patients to have supplemental D. I trust him, so I take 5000IUs a day.

Yes my D level was at 16 then went up to the thirtys and my doctor still was not satisfied. He would like to see it at 50 plus. I take 5000 iu a day and at last check, I was still slightly below 30.

Yup I take it too (also prescribed) The doc says most Americans are D deficient. Too much sun screen and too much "health food" which eliminates natural sources of lots of vitamins and Minerals.