Definitely something to think about since it seems my feet may have some other issues besides the Psa and the anklyosing spondylitis. The getting to the kayak itself maybe tricky too. Do you have senior centers in your area that have donations of wheelchairs and scooters. I am only 41 but the wheelchair I have is from my towns senior center it was free. Just a thought.
flow said:
Scienceteach, I have kayaked. I had my hip replaced less than 2 years ago, and the getting in and out bit of kayaking is difficult now, especially in waves. I have needed a hand. I don't think I'd want to go in a sit-IN kayak again (yet?) but a sit-ON one is fine. And I admit I have only tried a single person kayak once since surgery, for a short time. I prefer a double with one of my sons, so I can rest or just stop paddling for a moment if I need to. But it is fantastic to be able to cover distances I can't manage on land, and fun too!