Thoughts on braces when in pain?

I was wanting to know everyone else’s opinion on wether or not it was a good idea to wear like wrist braces when my wrist hurt? And for how long?

They can be useful and my occupational therapist lets me choose when to use them and for how long ..... all the time and for long periods of time is not always helpful.

I find they are great if I need to hold a book open to read and they help to ease discomfort when I'm resting and say watching tv. If my wrists are really hurting and I want some support for things like driving the actual metal splints in mine are removeable so get some palmar flexibility for gripping but with wrist support.

I do, as needed. But if you find that as needed is more than just to rest them, and is more and more of the time, you may want to get a referral to a hand therapist. Sometimes strengthening around the joint can make a real difference. The therapist can also help you pick good ones, or make custom ones. You'll need a referral from your doctor for this.

I find braces helpful at times (I have a whole drawer full!). I take them off periodically to do a range of motion stretch of my joint, and then put it back on. I've gotten most of my braces at the drug store. Braces can help support a painful joint during a tough activity, so the joint doesn't get more inflamed and damaged.

I have some big comfy braces that I will wear at night if I overdo the computer work, and some lighter smaller braces that I occasionally wear during the day. If you are having a brief period of inflammation, the braces are a good idea. If you find that you have pain even when the inflammation subsides, follow Stoney’s advice and see a therapist for some strengthening.

I wear a wrist brace at night when I sleep. My PT advised it a year and a half ago and I am still wearing it to sleep in. She didn't want me to wear it during the day because there could be a loss of range of motion.I feel like it makes a difference.