Hello..I was given a possible diagnosis in Nov 2012 of PsA or possibly RA. My question is how to decrease hand pain during regular activities. I noticed that a few people use gloves/braces and was wondering what type and how it helped. The doc reviewed my xrays and says I have "erosions" in both my hands and he started me on MTX. Although it has helped lessen my hand pain I still have trouble at times holding utensils to eat and doing routine tasks. He didn't recommend any therapy and I would appreciate hearing how others have managed and if therapy/devices helped them. Oh and if anyone has used the modified utensils etc I see on the web...thank you. :)
I use IMAK or IMAX gloves as endorsed by the Arthritis Foundation. I also use a compression glove (bright green!) that I found in a craft store. They make my hands feel better. I also use a thumb/wrist splint I found in a pharmacy. The most important thing I have heard is to not wear them when doing activities where you are pushing against the splint/glove as that will increase your pain. I also use modified utensils and desk items. I just sort of looked around as to what I thought would help me. Instead of buying special utensils I bought pipe insulation and cut off a piece to fit the tool I wish to use. But I think the things that have helped me the most is things like placing the plates I use frequently in a lower cupboard so I am not trying to lower a stack of plates which hurts my hands. I also put the clothes I wear frequently in a special cloth hanger so I can get them easily, etc. It took awhile to see how to alter things to suit me but once I started looking at things that way it seems to come automatically now! Good luck with adapting things to suit you!
The main thing I have found that helps is keeping my hands warm. I can do things much better when my hands have not been cold. Sleeping with gloves and using paraffin wax dips helps but doesn't stop the stiffness which only daily exercise has helped.
OT worked for me. It showed me how to use my hands in away where I use less energy. She also gave me exerices to use to strengthen my hands. It is worth a try.
You can google many devices to see how they can be handicap accessible. I for one use lots of sponge rollers.
Also, I use lots of hot hands which I can put in my gloves and that helps also.
You said you bought pipe insulation to fit tools/implements. Is this the stiffer foam type? Anything has to be cheaper than what they sell in the arthritis catalogs.
michael in vermont said:
I use IMAK or IMAX gloves as endorsed by the Arthritis Foundation. I also use a compression glove (bright green!) that I found in a craft store. They make my hands feel better. I also use a thumb/wrist splint I found in a pharmacy. The most important thing I have heard is to not wear them when doing activities where you are pushing against the splint/glove as that will increase your pain. I also use modified utensils and desk items. I just sort of looked around as to what I thought would help me. Instead of buying special utensils I bought pipe insulation and cut off a piece to fit the tool I wish to use. But I think the things that have helped me the most is things like placing the plates I use frequently in a lower cupboard so I am not trying to lower a stack of plates which hurts my hands. I also put the clothes I wear frequently in a special cloth hanger so I can get them easily, etc. It took awhile to see how to alter things to suit me but once I started looking at things that way it seems to come automatically now! Good luck with adapting things to suit you!
Yes I buy it in the hardware store or hardware section at Walmart. I have also heard of people using the foam from those funny pink hair curlers. I also bought scissors for arthritis (they had a sticker on them from the Arthritis Foundation) as they were not expensive. I also bought a paraffin bath fro my hands that was inexpensive. Some things made for arthritics are priced reasonably others are outrageous. Somethings seem worth the money, others do not. I spend money on massages, they really seem worth the money!
Hi, I too have bouts of hand pain and one day was so mad at this disease because I could not open the jar of Mayo I was trying to open, that I just threw the darned mayo jar on the floor (yes glass) and yes I opened it alright, but then had to laugh that I just resorted to this. I find the best relief for me is heat but not dry heat, I soak my hand is the hottest water I can handle and do it for at least 15-20 min, sometimes have to heat it up again. It does give me some relief and better motion. If it's really bad my Doc gives me steroids-7 day dose pack and although I don't like being on them for long periods of time they do work wonders for me. I also have used hand braces and for me, I found the best was not the fancy kind, the stretchy soft tan elastic ones at wal-mart, your thumb fits through the hole and is exposed, as well as your fingers, it aids in wrist strength. I don't know the brand name off hand. I have had arthritis since I was 24 and I am now 50. So I'm pretty progressed but I hope you find this gives you some relief too.
I'm so glad you posted this question. I have had swollen joints and tender to pressure pain in my hands before, but over the last two weeks i have started to have increased general pain in my hands that causes me to have problems with even the simplest of tasks. Also the shooting pains are driving me nuts. Hope we both can find some relief. Good luck to you.
To make it easier to open jars, the OT told me to and buy some of that rubberized shelf liner at the local discount store. Cut yourself about a 1- 1 1/2 inch square. It helps with the gip. For starting the car, I use a pair of pliers. I have also purchased a soft rubberized cushion that fits over the steering wheel. That helps with the grip by making it softer.
Leesa415 said:
Hi, I too have bouts of hand pain and one day was so mad at this disease because I could not open the jar of Mayo I was trying to open, that I just threw the darned mayo jar on the floor (yes glass) and yes I opened it alright, but then had to laugh that I just resorted to this. I find the best relief for me is heat but not dry heat, I soak my hand is the hottest water I can handle and do it for at least 15-20 min, sometimes have to heat it up again. It does give me some relief and better motion. If it's really bad my Doc gives me steroids-7 day dose pack and although I don't like being on them for long periods of time they do work wonders for me. I also have used hand braces and for me, I found the best was not the fancy kind, the stretchy soft tan elastic ones at wal-mart, your thumb fits through the hole and is exposed, as well as your fingers, it aids in wrist strength. I don't know the brand name off hand. I have had arthritis since I was 24 and I am now 50. So I'm pretty progressed but I hope you find this gives you some relief too.
My rheumatology dept referred me to the OT when my hands were really bad last year........they were fantastic! They treated me holistically, exercises for my hands to help with mobility and pain, a tai chi class to keep my bodies core muscles as strong as possible to support my joints, included in this class was a health discussion of about 20 mins where the class of about 10 -12 discussed different ways of doing things and different equipment for everyday tasks. Wrist splints for night time support because of the tenosynovitis I have. I cannot praise them enough :)
Thank you all for the great information and the solutions you have discovered...I think it will help many of us....thx... :)
Hi Honey Bunny,
Besides what others have suggested you may want to try a warmer climate if possible. It makes a big difference in your pain. I am down in SC and feel better away from the CT cold. Also, at night always splint your hands if they hurt as you do so much damage when sleeping. Your hands will appreciate a little TLC at night. Parrafin wax also helps. Keep your joints moving as they can stiffen easily.
Best of Luck and don't let the disease get you down.
HoneyBunny said:
Thank you all for the great information and the solutions you have discovered...I think it will help many of us....thx... :)
Thank you for posting this question. My hands have gotten progressively worse the last 3 months and I am finding that it is becoming more difficult to do daily tasks. I also have found that very warm/hot water helps....but only for awhile. I have also been having pain in my toes. I also have Fibromyalgia so I have difficultly deciding if what I am feeling is the PsA or the Fibro!
I will see a new doc this month with the hope that she will have some better insights into PsA than my former doc.
I am very interested in reading what helps others with PsA, especially holistic methods.
Can some of you with hand pain explain the hand pain you are experencing. I went to the ER several months ago with sever hand pain. I was told that I have carpel tunnel. So my doc order a nerve conduction study...sure enough it came back positive for carpel tunnel. They scheduled me for surgery. I told the surgeon that I have PsA. He said he was not concerned and that I have carpel tunnel. I had the surgery. One month now post op on both hands. They both still have problems. They are driving me nuts.
My pain started as a burning in the center of my palm. It would wake me up at night. My finger swell till I can not use them any more in just a few minutes of typing. Example this message has made my hands swell. I have shotting pain that starts in different places. My finger are sore to the touch and 4 finger on my right hand are numb or hyper sensitive.The side of my hand by my pinky finger is sore to touch. It has gotten worse sense the surgery. I am convenced it is the PsA and not the traditional carpel tunnel. Any help!
This post is perfect timing thank you.
I have pain that starts in the center of my palms. My hands swell at times and using them, such as typing does exacerbate this. But my hands can be incredibly sore sometimes without activity too. I had an EMG which showed I do not have carpal tunnel that it is due to PsA though some of my symptoms do overlap yours. It never wakes me up but then not much does! They are very sore and bent into a ball when I awaken, it takes a couple of cups of coffee to open them. Heat always helps, sometimes ice helps.
You are welcome...I am happy that it is such a useful topic...
In my case I have a dull throbbing pain in both hands and general puffiness at it's worst nothing relieves the discomfort. I will use heat and alternate with cold immersion to decrease the pain and swelling. I read on a RA site that the alternating heat/cold can be helpful.
Recently I have increasing pain with routine daily tasks, typing, eating, writting, household tasks etc. When it flares up I have a burning type pain that quickly intensifies to a point that I stop what I am doing...ex. holding a spoon to eat and the pain ramps up to be so intense that I have to drop it.
I sometimes use my tablet to surf the web and even the touch screen can be too much and I take frequent breaks due to the pain. As for me the MTX was really starting to help with the hand pain but I had to take a vacation from it because of a lingering infection. I am hopeful to resume the MTX soon to help with the pain and to slow the damage to my hands (erosion/osteoporsis). So at the moment I have motrin, heat/cold therapy and pain medicine...and I plan on purchasing a pair of hand support braces asap. :)
Thank you everyone for responding and the great info/suggestions.
HoneyBunny said:
You are welcome...I am happy that it is such a useful topic...
In my case I have a dull throbbing pain in both hands and general puffiness at it's worst nothing relieves the discomfort. I will use heat and alternate with cold immersion to decrease the pain and swelling. I read on a RA site that the alternating heat/cold can be helpful.
Recently I have increasing pain with routine daily tasks, typing, eating, writting, household tasks etc. When it flares up I have a burning type pain that quickly intensifies to a point that I stop what I am doing...ex. holding a spoon to eat and the pain ramps up to be so intense that I have to drop it.
I sometimes use my tablet to surf the web and even the touch screen can be too much and I take frequent breaks due to the pain. As for me the MTX was really starting to help with the hand pain but I had to take a vacation from it because of a lingering infection. I am hopeful to resume the MTX soon to help with the pain and to slow the damage to my hands (erosion/osteoporsis). So at the moment I have motrin, heat/cold therapy and pain medicine...and I plan on purchasing a pair of hand support braces asap. :)
Thank you everyone for responding and the great info/suggestions.
Don Knighton said:
HoneyBunny said:You are welcome...I am happy that it is such a useful topic...
In my case I have a dull throbbing pain in both hands and general puffiness at it's worst nothing relieves the discomfort. I will use heat and alternate with cold immersion to decrease the pain and swelling. I read on a RA site that the alternating heat/cold can be helpful.
Recently I have increasing pain with routine daily tasks, typing, eating, writting, household tasks etc. When it flares up I have a burning type pain that quickly intensifies to a point that I stop what I am doing...ex. holding a spoon to eat and the pain ramps up to be so intense that I have to drop it.
I sometimes use my tablet to surf the web and even the touch screen can be too much and I take frequent breaks due to the pain. As for me the MTX was really starting to help with the hand pain but I had to take a vacation from it because of a lingering infection. I am hopeful to resume the MTX soon to help with the pain and to slow the damage to my hands (erosion/osteoporsis). So at the moment I have motrin, heat/cold therapy and pain medicine...and I plan on purchasing a pair of hand support braces asap. :)
Thank you everyone for responding and the great info/suggestions.
I was taken off the MTX for about 3 months because of swelling in my legs and the pending surgery of my hands. My hands have the constant throb, I wake at night do to the pain. I take 30 mg. MS Cotin ER every 8 hours and 15 mg. MS Cotin IR as needed. But I still have not found a combination that releives the Pain. I am now back on 10 mg. MTX. I took my 4th dose. My hand seem to be getting worse. I am an Architect and do all my work on the computer. So I am hopful to find releif. I also have problems with my elbows. This may still be the reason my fingers are numb filling.
My brother (now deceased at age 47) had severe PsA that crippled him. He taught me many, many things as to how to go about changing the way you do things. He always told me that you just have to find another way but it can be done. The best thing he taught me was to buy a pair of rubberized cleaning gloves to use while doing most things to help the psoriasis on your hands(water was a killer for him and now for me) but the amazing idea he taught me was to use those gloves to open ANYTHING without pain in your hands/fingers. I can open up anything using the glove!! When I find I can't do something, I always sit back & just give it some thought to an alternative way of getting the job done. Thank God for my big brother because he knew what was ahead of me to face. I miss him terribly!
Leesa415 said:
Hi, I too have bouts of hand pain and one day was so mad at this disease because I could not open the jar of Mayo I was trying to open, that I just threw the darned mayo jar on the floor (yes glass) and yes I opened it alright, but then had to laugh that I just resorted to this. I find the best relief for me is heat but not dry heat, I soak my hand is the hottest water I can handle and do it for at least 15-20 min, sometimes have to heat it up again. It does give me some relief and better motion. If it's really bad my Doc gives me steroids-7 day dose pack and although I don't like being on them for long periods of time they do work wonders for me. I also have used hand braces and for me, I found the best was not the fancy kind, the stretchy soft tan elastic ones at wal-mart, your thumb fits through the hole and is exposed, as well as your fingers, it aids in wrist strength. I don't know the brand name off hand. I have had arthritis since I was 24 and I am now 50. So I'm pretty progressed but I hope you find this gives you some relief too.
I'm so sorry to hear the news about your brother, how did he pass? so young :( My PsA is crippling me as well, althought it hasn't hit in my spine yet, the last MRI showed PsA in my entire spine, I only feel pain here and there in it right near my shoulder blades is the worst. and some in my neck. I have a wheel chair for really bad times now and have used it quite often this year. I am about to get an ankle fusion do to my ankle caving in and most of my toes are crippled, hammertoes, and two of them do not have joints in them anymore, one is permanantly dislocated. after I heal from the ankle fusion the same leg needs a total knee replacement so I'm in for a lot this year. I sure hope things improve esp with my knee, I can hardly take the pain in it when it's acting up. I cry a lot! steriods do, do the trick though but am off for a little while been on them too long. . Not sure what else is in my future but it's getting scary, I only progress with this. thank you for sharing the glove idea, I have one and didn't think about using it to help open jars good idea! LOL