Testing, Testing

Since when were 2 year olds so discerning? Load of ingrates if you ask me.

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30+ years is long time to carry a grudge. Tell him to get over it and remind him of the sacrifice you are making for chocolate science.


OMG this is TOO funny…tntlamb, I was so hoping you’d list a few of the acceptable chocolate bars so I don’t have to do the research, which I’m sure you already have a number of them you could recommend!
Sybil, you always make me LOL! I hope you make yourself laugh, too, because you know it’s the best medicine and since Humira isn’t quite cutting the mustard for you…

That’s getting to be my excuse, too, but then we aren’t all THAT old, and YOU are younger than ME! It is unbelievable to me that you can still run–even 60 or 70 paces–give yourself a pat on the back for that because I can’t run 2 paces, and I’m not sure a lot of healthy people “our” age could run 60 paces, or could they?

Grandma_J, I’ve always thought a bit of good chocolate did not harm and might just do some good. It’s nice to hear that what I assumed was wishful thinking is backed up by science. Looks like you can identify good chocolate if it lists cocoa butter in the ingredients rather than vegetable oil. And price is an indicator too, unfortunately.

As man (and woman) cannot live by chocolate alone (also unfortunate) I was pleased to be reminded of the Omega 3 v. Omega 6 issue. It’s not something we hear a lot about though I suppose it’s behind the popularity of the Mediterranean diet. It can sound complicated but it isn’t. If you check out tnt’s list of foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (or google for a more extensive list) it is clear that such foods are the same ones we tend to think of as ‘good stuff’ anyway. Bung more of those on your plate and you’re doing yourself a favour.

I don’t think being able to so-called run is a sign of my moral fibre. More that my knees are not as knackered as I was led to believe they would be by now and I probably have Humira and even Mtx to thank for that. I am pretty sure that putting knees through their paces if we possibly can is vital. I did have a lot of muscle wasting in that area a few years back. I think that was caused by inactivity, some of which was unavoidable, and also perhaps by the disease at its worst.

In addition to cutting back on sugary treats (makes me sound like a flipping dog) I’ve been giving myself a good talking to. I find there is a good talking to and then there’s A Good Talking To, i.e. when we really, really mean it. I’ve been pushing through the end-of-the-world feeling but gently and calmly. Trying to accept that the irritating slowness with which I do some tasks is 100% better than doing nothing. Trying to accept the disease and fight it at the same time and avoid large desserts and keep calm but not too calm - well obviously managing this disease is the simplest thing ever lol! But yeah, seems like I’ve dragged myself out of a bunker … though could be coincidence who knows eh?

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It gets the best of me some days, too! (Most days, lately!) Usually when I first get up in the morning and then again when I’m trying to relax in the evening and my feet or back are killing me, or I feel so damn weak I just want to curl up, fall asleep and never wake up–or should I say–at least get one full night’s sleep without insomnia??? (That hasn’t happened in years and it’s just what it is and somehow I make it through the day.) I’ve been wondering lately, too, if Enbrel isn’t working so well anymore, but then so many of my troubles are less than they were before Enbrel so it still HAS to be working! Then why do I feel so weird–that’s the only word I have to describe the feeling of not “being myself” anymore–not happy, but not depressed, either…just yucky WEIRD! You seem to be having that same problem these days, right??? Maybe we just need summer! You know, that’s probably it, because I felt GREAT a couple weeks ago on vacation in Georgia where it was summer enough for me!

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It certainly sounds like sleep’s not working. Insomnia’s the pits. Did you sleep well while on vacation? If so, I’m wondering whether there’s anything specific you can identify that helped with that.

Oh yes summer … can’t wait! The longer days are good news too. When there are only 8 hours of daylight, much of that swathed in cloud, I feel as if I’ve got a shorter window in which to get stuff done regardless of whether daylight is actually required.

Also my eyesight’s getting worse, dry eye doesn’t help but mostly it’s just due to ageing. I know almost everyones’ sight deteriorates but a sunlit world helps so much with that, it’s not something you hear much about. I put off going to the optician till recently. Came home with my new glasses and peered at my husband with interest, did I cause those deep furrows? Not going to look in the mirror with those things on.

Yucky weirdness. I know it and I am sorry it’s getting you. Still thinking is there something you can do to get more sleep … new mattress? Opening windows? Winding down before bedtime? Avoiding coffee? You’ve probably got all these covered but sometimes the little alterations which hardly seem worth it bring big results.

OMG you ARE LOL HILARIOUS!!! I swear we have the same thoughts!!! I always thought I looked better without glasses, but I realized it was because I wasn’t seeing myself clearly in the mirror! (It took me awhile to figure that out!)
And, the eyesight–what the ****? I have the same problem–with glasses on, though…my left eye will go totally blurry and I’ll be adjusting my head all around trying to see far and close, first closing my right, then my left–I must look like one of those newts or whatever they are jerking my head around…it totally drives me nuts because it’s annoying not seeing clearly out of one eye. On top of it, the eye doctor always says, “I’ve got it so you’re seeing 20/15–that’s better than 20-20!” What happens, though, every time I get new glasses I AIN’T seeing no 20-15!!! GRRRRRR…it’s another one of those scary things what if I’m going blind…my sister was blind in one eye. I suppose if I had to I could get used to it–just such a scary thought!
And the insomnia–it’s weird. Now that you asked, I did sleep better on vacation! Life all around was better–we’re definitely doing that again! Hey, it was 62 degrees (F) in central MN today!!! Spring has sprung!
I hope you’re feeling better and getting more sunshine, too!

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