Swollen finger

I’m not really sure if this is “normal” This is the first time I have experienced this but my pinky is swollen and red…

Can anyone tell me if this means anything is changing or getting worse?

Thank you in advance.

Hmmmm…one classic symptom of PsA is dactylitis. I had it in my big toe. It came and left again. Take a picture of it so that you can show it to your doc.

Is it kind of like the picture on this page? –

I hope I attached the picture…
400-image.jpg (2.04 MB)

I’m hoping that this does not mean my condition is worsening as this is the first time this happened.

I see a pic from Seenie, but not your pic “never give up”

Cheryl, if you are in mobile site it does not show… I noticed that you have to view on desktop view.

I took a look at your picture. It’s not a great pic with the angle etc. It doesn’t look like a sausage digit to me, but it certainly is red.

Is it possible that you have an infection? Do you have any joint stiffness there?

So for today, you can use ice to cool it. Since this is new, you can see what happens over the next day or two, but you may also want to call your doctor. New and more extreme type concerns warrant a phone call to the doctor.

It doesn't look like dactylitis to me either. It's the pinkie right? If it was dactylitis it would go up to the end of the finger with redness and swelling. Is it bruised? Does it hurt? Is it stiff? Probably best to show to your doc but it may have nothing to do with PsA as it doesn't appear to involve a joint or tendon.

I haven't had the classic sausage shape rather my fingers feel puffy. My right thumb won't bend and the knuckle has enlarged without classic swelling. Your finger is red in a large area and I think it could be either your flavor of PsA or an infection like Stoney mentioned. I would show it to the doc. Hope it gets better soon.

Thank you, it doesn’t hurt much but the knuckle does hurt when I bend, not that bad. It’s not stiff and not as red as yesterday. I don’t think it’s an infection as it’s not warm to touch. there is a mark on it where it looks like I may have scratched it…