
@Poo_therapy No! My doc did not prescribe anti-emetics. I will call tomorrow and ask him for a script. Thanks so much for the advice!

Much appreciated!

Not sure that youā€™d need anti-emetics on standby ā€¦ feeling sick on Arava isnā€™t a given. It didnā€™t have that effect on me anyway and not everyone reports that by a long chalk.

I needed them on standby for sulfasalazine but thatā€™s only because Iā€™ve a phobia of throwing up. Iā€™d also consequently ask for them if I was to take arava/leflunomide for the same reason.

I would hate to fail a drug simply due to that when anti-emetics would have saved the day. I took them as a precaution with sulfasalazine initially probably for the first month because I was so scared it would give me nausea or worse still make me throw up like mxt did. As we know sulfasalazine loved me and even worked well for a time too.

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Yep, I get that. Just saying that perhaps not a good idea to take them on a precautionary basis without good reason. Anti-emetics themselves arenā€™t without side effects, I gather.

Absolutely correct. The first lot the GP prescribed me nearly gave me a heart attack just reading the leaflet. Persuaded them to consequently prescribe far milder ones. For me it was dealing with a phobia rather than anything more coherent and rational, such as actually feeling sick taking the tablets. Whether it was because I took anti-emetics or the tablets actually didnā€™t make feel sick, Iā€™ll never know. All I know is because I could continue taking the tablets they then worked. And that was such a relief at the time.


I took my first Arava pill last night - no side effects this morning! Yay!

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And happy anniversary as a member of this group!

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And the same from me! I hope thatā€™s a good omen!

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