Sulfasalazine new meds

Hi. I started taking this in October. I want to take something which is safer to conceive. Is anyone else on this? Or wants to discuss side effects etc?

Hi there princesa… unfortunately I cannot be of use to your question… I have never taken sulfasalazine… It seems that a few of the PsA meds do have issues when it comes to conceiving, it would be a good idea to have a chat to your doctor about an alternative… or perhaps a pharmacist might be able to give you some ideas to discuss with your docs.

All the best!!!

The problem with most of the biologics is that they just don’t know if it will have an effect… I’ve seen people say it’s safe to take some drugs (according to their reumatologist and their um… what’s the doctor called that helps you through pregnancy?)
And others say they won’t go near any of the drugs… also on what their doctors told them…

The problem is that active inflammation can also cause trouble so knowing which is the safest is hard… talk to your doctors! Do what makes you feel best and try not to worry about it too much… there’s so many things that can go wrong but most of the time they just go right!

Good luck!

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Here’s a discussion that might be helpful to you.