Sulfasalazine. Anybody taken it? Results?

My first rheumy diagnosed PsA and started NSAIDs. Didn’t help much. Was going to start me on Embrel but I had to switch rheumies. Second rheumy repeated tests. Classified me as “undifferentiated seronegative spondylarthropathy”. Which means I could have PsA, Ankylosing spondylitis, or sister diagnosis that’s evolving.

My feet are killing me with wrists, neck and low back also hurting but not as much as a few months ago with my first flare. Second rheumy didn’t see my one and only flare. But I have pitted nails, discolored toe nails and dry red eyes. He did witness an inflamed, tender second toe joint and some other puffy toes. Instead of Embrel, he decided to go more “gradual” and stat me on Sulfasalazine. I’m 6-7 weeks in, and no better! Maybe a bit worse!

Has anyone been on this drug for PsA? Dies it help eventually? I am told “give it 90 days.” I’m losing hope. Wish I could start Embrel.

I’ve been on sulfasalizine for 6 months. I’m now switching to MTX. I did get initial relief And my Hands still feel much better. But I have had a flare in my feet which was almost unbearable so we are moving on med wise.

I started on Sulfasalizine as I was breast feeding my daughter. We gave it six months then went to methotrexate for about 9 months, then Embrel for a year, then Remicade or a year and now on Remicade and leufludomide. The Sulfasalizine did not work for mr but a friend of mine has been on it for years and has felt much better on it. She told me as did my Rheumy that you need to at least try it for three months to see how you will respond. I would keep a daily log of how ou feel. This will help you to either say " Hey, this is working" or " No, it is not working and here is my data". Cost is a factor with Embrel as well so do your research as to how you may be ble to pay or Embrel now. It can be a rig-a-ma-role to figure it out. Ten if you do need Embrel you re more prepared and if you do not need Embrel; you can file the info away in case you do switch to it.
Hang in there. Here’s to less pain, less damage and more energy in your ear future.


I'm on sulfasalizine. It seemed to be good at first but the last few months have been rough. I'm not sure if part of it is me needing to change the way I do things. I went on sulfasalizine is November. You definitely have to give it 3 months to kick in. It's one of those things, you never know until you try. I hope it goes well.


I have been on Sulfa.. for a number of years. It does not take the pain away but it reduces it somewhat. I had a terrible time when I first started it but it reduced the flare ups and I got there in the end. I really wish you well and hope it works for you

Yes, I did sulfasalazine for three months and it did nothing for me. Leflunomide helped a wee bit. In the end, I switched rheumies and went on Enbrel. It helps a lot.

For 11 yrs I have been on sulfasalazene AND MTX AND sulindac AND folic acid (2 mg) AND tramadol (for pain). This is working pretty well and I believe it is the combination of all that makes it work. I still have flares and pain and really bad days, but the progression of the disease has been slowed down considerably. For this I am thankful. (This was hard to write.) I hope you find the right combination soon. Wish you good luck.

I started sulfasalazine in January this year. I had great relief from it for awhile. I actually felt human again. However, I think the happy days are over. I have been in a bad flare with my knee and ankle for the past 2 months, and I have noticed my wrist hurting again recently. My rheumy has increased my dosage and we are giving it a little time to see if the increase helps, but she has told me we may need to start thinking of changing/adding a medication if this does not work. She thinks MTX would be next.

I am on it but also on Remicade too. Doesn't seem to be doing much, been about 5 months

So it’s now five months or so in. Did sulfasalazine help?

I've been taking Enbrel, MTX, sporadic 5-day doses of Prednisone, Folic Acid, with Vicodin (7.5/500) for pain, and my flare was still going crazy. My last rheumy visit they added Sulfasalazine and Amatriptyline because I've since developed IBS and a nasty black depression. The doc warned me the Sulfasalzine had to be taken as directed for 6-8 weeks before I would notice any changes. It has been 5 weeks with me taking the sulfasalazine twice daily religiously, and the sulfasalazine has helped the IBS considerably but hasn't done anything for the inflammation, pain, or the wicked psoriasis flare that I have. Hope that helps.

I have been on sulfa for 5 months. Did nothing. Currently on Mobic, sulfa, humira (switched from Enbrel). Too early to see if humira will help. Sulfa supposed to help with more mild peripheral symptoms (feet/hands). When I was placed on it, only had complaints of four/hand pain. Labs normal. No obvious sausage digits, swelling. That has now changed. Rheumy wants to keep me on it while optimizing/controlling me first. Consider weaning off later as I don’t like the GI effects.

Sulfasalazine was the first drug I tried. I was on it for about 2 weeks, but had to stop. It burned my mouth. From there I was put on Methotrexate. Humira was added later.

I got a single oral ulcer the first week I took sulfa. None since.

Hi, I was on Sulfasalazine for about 10 months. It does take a few months to kick in as with many. For me it helped for about 5 or 6 months. I think it wasn't as helpful for me because I was diagnosed late. I think I was already too far in with the PsA for it to help. I would guess you should have noticed some improvement by now but everyone is different. I hope it helps and gets better for you.

I have been on sulfa since September and recently have been having a burnt feeling on my tongue. Like when you take a drink of something too hot and your mouth is scalded. I see my doctor tomorrow and will be talking to him about this. It's not a daily thing...thankfully, but it sure isn't a comfortable feeling. I think it may be because I dropped the folic acid when I stopped taking the MTX. I'm not sure if I should be continuing it, but have read that Sulfa can decrease folic acid as well as the MTX and a sore tongue is a symptom of folate deficiency.
Tirezza said:

Sulfasalazine was the first drug I tried. I was on it for about 2 weeks, but had to stop. It burned my mouth. From there I was put on Methotrexate. Humira was added later.

I was on sulfasalazine for a month, went off it due to chronic headaches. Hope it's helping you.

I'm currently taking 500 mg of Sulfasalazine twice a day with no real problems. I started taking it because I have IBS (on top of everything else), and it has really helped the IBS problems. Not so much the PsA or PA, but its all good. Hope it works well for you!

I am currently on the drug plus the following: Hydroxychloroquine, Stelara, and celebrex. Sulfasalazine is supposed to help with the symptoms of PsA, but has not been shown to prevent or slow down the disease progression. It has done absolutely nothing for me. If symptoms are primarily the back, you will need a biologic similar to Enbrel.