Stelara for PsA?

That was my own rendition, you can set the color spectrum on the nuclear scan program…

This is another favorite of mine… (not the pain)

The colour schemes in both are gorgeous! However what they’re showing certainly isn’t.

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Hang in there Cynthia!

Hi Dave, I get pains in my ribs also. It feels like a muscle spasm or a sharp pain like a Charlie horse. Is that what your rib pain feels like? I have not gotten any medical type person to address it when i mention it.

Well this fits for me and Stelara is not helping this. I’ve had it for years and it is worsening: "Costochondritis causes pain and tenderness on the breastbone, pain in more than one rib, or pain that gets worse with deep breaths or coughing.

yep, that is what it sounds like. There is a bunch of joints in the rib cage.

Yes I get that too. Scared me silly the first time as it was in the left side. Then it swapped to the right side so I thought it’s just PsA and calmed down. Never had pain in the actual breastbone though.

Mine isn’t the kind of pain that I have with the tendons I know are acting up (elbow and Achilles). This is perhaps duller. It also isn’t bad in the AM. When I get up, everything is stiff and hurts to move, but gets better after a Lodine and some time. This chest pain almost always comes in the afternoon. It’s maybe similar to the “body ache” you get with the flu, but more focused and isolated to my chest and torso. Many times a 30 minute meditation/nap laying flat on my back helps ease to to get thru the evening.

I have found that describing the different pains has been difficult. Different places hurt, but in different ways. It makes it hard. I read other testimonials, but other sufferers use different adjectives. Makes it easy for that idea of “maybe this isn’t me” to slip in.

My RA appt is tomorrow morning. I’m trying to write up everything I can think of, pains, questions, terms, meds. I suspect she will hate me, but I only get to see her every 3 months so I plan to get my time’s worth!



I’ve made a topic about this as well a while back… It’s extremely difficult to explain pain… even to people who know how it feels let alone others…

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