Somedays i think im dying

I am new to this site and trying to learn how to navigate through it and post things. Never been a real computer person. I wanted to jyst take a moment to introduce myself. I am Rhea…im 35 years old and have been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis for the past few years. Everydy is a struggle. I own my own business and have 2 children and a disabled wonderful husband. I leave my house going to work daily in tears. A complete mess! Sometimes i lose all hope that i will ever feel better. Im thankful i found other people like myself! I look forward talking with you all. Maybe i wont physically feel better but mybe emotionally!

Welcome Rhea! It sounds like you really have a lot going on. Chances are that you will feel better. . . It can take some time to get the right treatment going. It may not go back to how you used to be, but that's okay. Sometimes better is good enough.

It sounds like you may also need to put some time into yourself. I would strongly suggest seeking professional help to help you emotionally. I know that you probably think that you don't have time for it, but you have to make the time. Reaching out to a support group like this can be one step towards taking care of yourself, but it sounds like you may need more. It's not uncommon for people with chronic disease to be depressed. It can actually make the pain worse too. Do what you need to do in order to get help for yourself!

Glad you’re here, Rhea, but we’re all sorry that you had to come looking for us. You have a lot on your plate, even without the PsA. I hope you find this a good site for support and information. We can’t all relate to every struggle, but we do “get” the PsA thing.
Looking forward to your company here!

glad to see you here Rhea.I haven't been on here to long now and I have learned more from this nice group of people than I did with my doctors. I learn enough things here to ask questions about my PsA. My house will never be as clean as it was a few years ago. A I can't work out side the house now but I have a lot to keep me busy. I see a counselor once a week because I had no one to talk to. Your not alone!!! I'll keep you in my prayers. Try to sleep well.

Seenie said:

Glad you're here, Rhea, but we're all sorry that you had to come looking for us. You have a lot on your plate, even without the PsA. I hope you find this a good site for support and information. We can't all relate to every struggle, but we do "get" the PsA thing.
Looking forward to your company here!

Hi Rhea, its nice to meet you. Your post really touched my heart and I feel for you. I understand about not being a computer person, I am not so much of one myself and many of the links posted on this site, I don't even bother to look at, its usually over my head sort of speak and I hope someone will talk about them and that is how I get my information, lol I probably should not had said that but oops lol.

I understand emotionally your feeling hopeless right now but its important to see how much you have going for you on the positive side. A wonderful husband to share your life with (good and bad), two beautiful children and the owner of your own business, quite the accomplishment, and certainly something to be proud of.

PsA and other illnesses make it difficult to focus on the good things we have in our life because of the pain we have to endure, but its important to never give up hope of feeling better, when you give that up, you give in and the pain and emotional side effects take over and its very hard to come back from it. Believe it or not, there is help out there for you and not only can you feel better emotionally, you can also feel better physically.

Talk to your doctor and be very honest when you tell him/her how you are feeling, both physically and emotionally. Maybe you need your medications adjusted. As was mentioned above, get an appointment with a councillor, someone you can talk to and help put things into perspective and finally, come here often and write what you feel, this is a great group with lots of amazing advice.

Hoping you start to feel better soon!

Thank you all so much for your input. I indeed do have alot on my plate. This PSA has robbed me of who i really am. Its so hard to feel good when you dont feel good. (If that makes sense) i did enbrel injections for a year and i was in alot better shape than today. I lost my health insurance about 6 months ago so basically now im not taking anything. I go the end of this week to get insurance through somewhere else. I never knew id feel so bad. And yes, when you have psa and feel terrible it starts to effect every part of your life and well being. I sometimes need a match struke under me to even start my day. Ive had psoriasis all my life so that part dont get to me like the physical part of psa. I do have alot of support at home but when you feel bad it does show to the ones that love you. Hopefully i will be able to get back on my injections soon. It will certianly help. Thank all of you for your kindness and support! Im determined to feel like Rhea should feel. I need some work on myself. Ive put myself last for far too long! Look forward to talking with you soon:)

Wow - you've definitely been through a lot and are dealing with a lot while trying to cope with PsA! I hope the insurance comes through and you can get back on meds quickly. It sounds like that's the answer for the long-term, and in the short term you need to be gentle with yourself and remember to take care of yourself amidst taking care of everyone and everything else! You can also contact Enbrel support - they have programs for low to no cost so you can get the meds you need.

One of the things that helped me a lot was writing out what I was going through. Eventually I started a blog ( ) to kind of help myself process things while keeping family and friends up-to-date with things. Now I write about lots of different aspects of my life. I try to focus on what I can do, what I have, what feels good, etc. rather than the pain, the limitations, the frustrations, etc.

Hi! PsA is a drag that’s for sure! Big hug to you. Everyone here has some understanding of what you are going through. These guys have gotten me thru quite a few rough patches. If nothing else you will find comfort and understanding here. Maybe some great ideas and advice too. And in my post lots of typos:) just be kind to yourself and learn to listen to your body when you can. I’ve had to learn to look past a lot of dirty paw prints on the floor and messes I would never have tolerated before. I’m so sorry for everything you are going through!! We are here for you.

Boy do I feel your pain. PsA without insurance is the pits. I gimped along on prednisone and MTX for 2 months. It was livable…by no means perfect. It kept me working and moving, so I was glad for that.

There are periods that are just that awful. I’m sorry you are having one now.

Hi Rhea!

You're going to be OK. How do I know? Because of what you wrote (below). A chronic illness makes you stop, sit up and pay attention. And the message that you come first is the first step in a long term plan of wellness. And when you can't muster the strength to think straight, just come here and someone will remind you to be your own unapologetic champion!!

Rhea said:

I need some work on myself. Ive put myself last for far too long! Look forward to talking with you soon:)