Sleeping 16 hours a day and can't get to work

It does not have anything to do with snoring. At lease mine does not. I do not snore that I know about. It has to do with your throat. If you are on a pain medication that slows your breathing and a pain medication that restricts your throat you may not be getting the oxygen that you need. If you have ever been wakened to find your self sorta gasping for air? This is what I do. My sleep test showed that I stopped breathing over 80 times an hour. So it is like holding your breath. I have sever sleep apnea.

On my last comment that was I would not go without the CPAP now. It has become part of my sleep regeme.

Thanks for clarifying. I thought it you had sleap apnea if you snored. I'm trying to get a sleep study scheduled asap.

Not Understood said:

It does not have anything to do with snoring. At lease mine does not. I do not snore that I know about. It has to do with your throat. If you are on a pain medication that slows your breathing and a pain medication that restricts your throat you may not be getting the oxygen that you need. If you have ever been wakened to find your self sorta gasping for air? This is what I do. My sleep test showed that I stopped breathing over 80 times an hour. So it is like holding your breath. I have sever sleep apnea.

So....could you be anaemic??? Have you tried B12 supplements for a few days to see how you feel? If your red blood cell count is down, you will be exhausted all the time and vitamin B12 will really help with that.

Frances said:

Hi Cooper, I had Graves' Disease, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid 15 years and the radiated my thyroid. I've been taking synthroid and get it my thyroid levels checked every 6 months.

Cooper s said:

How's your thyroid?

They checked me for anemia - negative. All my blood tests are normal, so they say,

Interesting...I know it can be a battle with the docs, but I insist on getting copies of all my blood work and I know what the values are. I was just one point below normal for my red blood cell count, but started vitamin B12 anyway....and the difference was amazing. Seriously, you should give them a try for a few days. If you are low, you will see the difference within 72 hours. If nothing else, you will be able to cross it off your list.

Frances said:

They checked me for anemia - negative. All my blood tests are normal, so they say,

Good idea to ask for all my blood tests. I've been taking B12 for quite awhile and I'm still extremely fatigued. I'm going to make an appointment with a new GP to get a new perspective. Thanks for all the advice !

Welcome. You need to take 1,000 mcg of B12 each day if you are in a real bad way to see a change. Don't worry about the's hard to overdose on B12. Thyroid issues can have a big impact on red blood cell count. Red blood cells carry oxygen that feed the body with energy.

Frances said:

Good idea to ask for all my blood tests. I've been taking B12 for quite awhile and I'm still extremely fatigued. I'm going to make an appointment with a new GP to get a new perspective. Thanks for all the advice !

Hi Cooper, I take synthroid for my thyroid and get it checked every 6 months.

Cooper s said:

How's your thyroid?

I think I slept close to 20 hours yesterday and today. My need to sleep is insatiable. I sleep deeply, with dreams. Wake up for awhile and then need to sleep again. I can't get to my physical therapy appointments, get my MRIs or go to a GP.

CALL!!!!!!! This is not normal abnormal. Coming from me take it serious.

I called my rheumy last week and he dismissed my sleeping and told me to get sleep study. It's worse now, so I sent a message through the patient portal at my rheumy's office telling him I'm sleeping even more and asked if he could admit me to the hospital to run tests. I may go to the emergency room tomorrow to see if they will do something - what do you think?

Are you working with a neurologist?? Exhaustion yes deep sleep? somethings broken

No, I'm not seeing a neurologist.

The more I sleep the more I want to sleep... I have to force my self to get up. But once I am up I feel better. But some time I take a short nap...not by choice...I just fall asleep...I could be driving or in a meeting or at the dinner table. But sense the CPAP it has been much better. I have only taken 2 or 3 naps in the last 3 months. I was taking one several times a day for a whole month.

Try to force your self to 8 hours.

Went to a new GP today - so much better than my previous GP. She gave me a comprehensive work up, asked me a ton of questions and gave me an EKG which was normal. She's calling me on Thursday with my lab results.

Thanks Tntlamb. I did go to the GP and posted the info. I wonder if I'm getting yet another bug and this is how my body reacts or maybe this is just how my body is reacting to the PsA. Anyway, comprehensive lab tests are being done and will have results on Thursday. Thanks for your advice.

tntlamb said:

CALL!!!!!!! This is not normal abnormal. Coming from me take it serious.

And remind your wife not take it with iron - that will reduce the effect of the synthroid.

tntlamb said:

Obvious I know, but are you taking your synthoid properly? Especially allowing at LEAST and hour in an empty stomach, and maybe longer if you are in "slow mode?"

And as much as I hate to say it, fatigue can become a habit (even when there is a reason) a refferal to rehab may not hurt either. For some folks the fatique stays around even after the disease is under control. Through tricyclics and phased exercise rehab, things cna come back. Remember this disease has as much effect on your body as a traumatic accident. It isn't a matter of a handful of pilss a few IVs and off to the races. It also requires hard and sometimes painful phisotherapy.

So glad that you went to the GP. I didn’t know that you were feeling worse (I’ve not been on. Trying to cope with work). I really hope that she will continue to hear you. If the Rheum is not concerned, don’t even bother talking to him about it. I have had a similar issue with him, and its like talking to a wall. Continue with what the GP recommends. If she at any point stops being concerned and your condition continues, move on to another doc until you get something figured out. Please, do not let yourself be ignored or your symptoms be minimized. If you feel like something is wrong, continue to try to get an answer. Who knows your body better than you?
Lots of hugs and hope coming your way…

Hi tntlamb, I agree. I think it has become a vicous cycle - I am clearly fatigued from the disease, but do need to get up and move around more. I do have more energy when I make an effort to do just anything - clean the house, walk up and down the stairs etc. I don't think it is going to rid me of all my faituge but it is helping. Thanks for sharing your advice.

tntlamb said:

Obvious I know, but are you taking your synthoid properly? Especially allowing at LEAST and hour in an empty stomach, and maybe longer if you are in "slow mode?"

And as much as I hate to say it, fatigue can become a habit (even when there is a reason) a refferal to rehab may not hurt either. For some folks the fatique stays around even after the disease is under control. Through tricyclics and phased exercise rehab, things cna come back. Remember this disease has as much effect on your body as a traumatic accident. It isn't a matter of a handful of pilss a few IVs and off to the races. It also requires hard and sometimes painful phisotherapy.

I have been thinking about your job. Have you already taken FMLA leave? You get 12 protected weeks per year. It might be better to just take the time and get well. I know that you will need to get time covered through the bank, but it might really be worth it. I think the best thing that I did for me and my employer was to just take the time off. Then they were able to hire a temp to cover me because they knew I would definitely be out, and when I would come back, and I was able to focus on me without the worry of letting work down.

Just a thought!