Hello fellow psa folks, I wanted to give everyone personal treatment journey i have experienced so far in hope that it could be helpful. Yes, I am still around and pursuing treatment. I am still taking Cosyntex and am wondering if it is working… I am stuck in this conundrum of wondering if treatment is working or if I am dealing with damage. Anyhow, chronic back pain and fatigue are common for me. Other pain occurs randomly. Generally there is swelling and pain in neck, mid back, lower back, rib areas, finger joints, knees, hips, and wrists. I have now moved from 3 pills of hydrocodone a day to 24 hour release opiod. It helps along with naproxen 500 mg, muscle relaxer, focalyn for fatigue and energy. The nerve block was real nice at first and a brief reprieve from pain in lower back area. Pain doctor believes the side joints that allow turning is where the inflammation resides. The problem as I see it is i have many joints and that type of treatment is almost moot. Seeing as any spot our in my case I have 2-3 more general areas that I feel pain. Anyway, I am pursuing where it goes in hopes i can get relief. I am currently about 3 weeks from my nerve block. A couple of notes for others-- the worst part of the nerve block is the first injection on the left and right to numb the area was like being stung by an angry bee. In a few seconds though it stops and you go numb. The procedure took about 7-10 minutes or less. The next day and the following 3 days the area is sore and icing the area helps. I suggest a minimum of a day or two before resuming major activities.