Sed Rate and Pain

I have been having quite a lot of pain in many of my joints for several weeks now. I went last week for my third loading dose of Remicade, which unfortunately hasn't been effective yet. Yet my sed rate is normal, 5. And all my labs were good. I don't understand if everything looks right, why so much pain, and some mild swelling, especially of my knees and ankles? And fyi, I was still on low dose of steroids. Anyone else have normal labs but not feel so good?

By chance, what is your CRP? Did it go up or down? For me, CRP is a better measure for acute inflammation. My SED goes up very slowly. Not everyone has elevated inflammatory markers. Many Rheumotologist find a base case and see if they go up or down or stay the same. If they go up, it’s bad news. Typically, people with PsA have at least one elevated marker that’s measurable. At least that is my take on it…

I don't have elevated inflammatory markers....only the CPK which is a test of inflammation in muscles....that's been elevated for years, but they initially did that test checking for heart problems. But, I definitely have had lots of inflammation from my psoriasis and PsA.

But clearly everything does not look right, if you are having swelling. My labs are always normal, except for a mild anemia. Yet I clearly have PsA and am being treated for it. I have had horrible flares with no change in my labs. A good doctor looks at the full picture, including swelling.

Thank you everyone for your replys. It's nice to know I'm not crazy. Sometimes with all the pain despite meds, it makes me wonder! I did an internet search and found several websites that stated as many as 50% of people with PsA and active pain and swelling will have normal labs. Kind of makes me wonder why they do the tests. I appreciate everyone's feedback. My dr. called in Tramadol for me today for pain. I have never taken it before. I hope it is helpful.