Second opinion today..... Holy crap!

I was uncertain about my Rheumatologist as he is very rushed and not thorough and seemed to be quite old and set in his ways, never actually examined me just diagnosed and prescribed drugs… etc.
I saw a new Rheumatologist today who made me fill out 50 pages of stuff before i went, then when i met him he wanted my entire life story, read over all my scans, blood everything… Spent at least 30 mins examining all my joints, back, range of motions.

Get ready for this…
He said there is NO TRACE of PsA in my body based on physical exam. He said my bone scan from 2 months ago would of shown the swelling in my wrist etc. he said i may have it to a low degree or not at all. He thinks not.
He also said that with Salfafixane i was on for 2 weeks before “tripping-balls” and stopping I would of seen a dramatic improvement in the first 48 hours if it was PsA…

He said its easy for doctors to say “Well you have Psioriasis, so your joints must be…PsA”

He thinks I have “Central Sensatization” which is a chemical imbalance in the brain causing my nervous system to be in whats called a “persistent state of reactivity” this causes pain signals all over the body that have no physical reason for being there, tight muscles and sore joints. memory problems, panic symptoms, head aches, fatigue, etc.

My storm i describe in my story about when all my symptoms Joints started to appear where i had a massive spinout attack at the gym followed by one joint after the other over the past few years… “persistent state of reactivity” explains that well. I had a massive spinout attack followed by mini panic attacks since and stuttering and nervousness… Its like something changed in my body that day and since i freeze up with anxiety in work/social situations and stutter and have shortness of breath at times. plus all the body wide pain.

The treatment is anti-depresant meds if needed but hes hopeful i can be treated with meditation and sessions. Its about getting anxiety under control… explains why i feel great when on Xanax, but horrible the minute i come off as it keeps the brain chemistry happy.

I am hopeful this guy nailed it. But ofcourse its just an opinion and i dont want to pin all my hopes on it.

If so I guess i dont have a place here… well see.

and if so how upset am i about the the Ruma that just diagnosed me off the cuff and told me to take 2 horrible damaging mediactions so far off the bat and would of just put me on the next…Suggested Mexo on the phone yesterday… Great for the Liver and tummy.

You have all been a great support to lean on… i have struggled to cope over the past couple of months with diagnosis and i dont think i would of been grounded enough to cope without you.

Will keep you posted!

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Wow!! I’m thrilled you found a Dr who was willing to give you a thorough examination, and I agree it sounds like you may have your answer. I hope you are able to validate the idea soon whether it’s with meds or therapy, or whatever else suggests. :slight_smile: I wish you the best of luck going forward.


Gosh! I know this might sound silly but would you get a second opinion on the second guy’s diagnosis just to be sure he’s right? That way you really would know and wouldn’t that be better? However given the first guy didn’t even examine you properly maybe it’s not needed. But best of luck with it.

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Hhmmmmm, nickace, I don’t know. I really don’t know BUT what leaps out at me from what’s been said to you is that “central sensitization” and your description sound awfully like another term for, and symptoms of, fibromyalgia. Several years in to my PsA diagnosis my rheumy felt that my unresolved symptoms had many hallmarks of fibro - some 30% or more of PsA patients have concurrent fibro - so I made sure to educate myself about this too. This is the best book I found, it’s written by an MD with fibro Good luck, I hope you feel better soon but if you don’t keep pestering the medics to revisit inflammatory arthropathies.

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