So when this officially started, 6 yrs ago, I got a referral to the rheumatologist for sausage fingers, and generalized feeling poorly.
But we can also go WAY back.
I've had a spot of psoriasis on my knee since I was a kid, you know, that small dry patch.
Raynauds since I was a kid, got much worse after my first child was born.
Random tendonitis, in wrists, ankles, knee pain, etc, since my teens.
Herniated disks in my lower back leading to surgery in my mid-20's.
Jump forward a few years, and I developed reactive hypoglycemia after my first child was born, and my sugars then went high enough to justify meds, and even insulin for a while. I'm off that, but I know that the other shoe will drop on this in the future.
Second child was a year old when finger involvement developed and I was rapidly diagnosed with PsA.
This progressed within a year to lots of small joint involvement in hands and feet. Some damage has occurred in hands and feet.
A lot of my joints are very unstable, including hips, knees, ankles, shoulders. I do physical therapy on a somewhat regular basis, and tendon inflammation is typically rampant, as well as joint pain. Achilles tendons got involved 2 years ago.
Needed surgery at the basal joint of my thumb a few months ago to stabilize it. Have developed instability in my fingers, as well as some trigger fingers.
Developed extreme dry eyes and mouth last year. . . Have now been diagnosed with Sjogren's disease, and am dealing with this as well.
Also developed some neuropathies in the last few years, had on and off retinal inflammation, blepharitis, I'm sure there's more. Just not thinking of it right now. Oh right, heart palpitations are the newest addition. Breathing problems, asthma like, but related to inflammation. That's it for the moment.