Pain in the Backside

That’s PsA, obviously. Also a specific area of pain for me recently. If I were to point at it I’d indicate just under right buttock, though it’s deep inside, can be seriously painful and radiates down my leg. I guess it’s my hip.
Good news is that it is no longer coming on randomly as has been the case for months but now seems to happen only on long-ish car journeys. My husband says he finds it disconcerting being a passenger when the driver’s gripping the steering wheel for dear life & screaming. We need a car big enough to swap seats while stuck in traffic jams.
I’m just interested to hear if others have this exact thing going on & what if anything their rheumy has said about it. I guess I am finding walking a little more painful than it has been, though not too bad.
I’ll take this opportunity to endorse exercise / movement (I’ll take any opportunity to do that!). I’m doing a lot of climbing ladders, scrabbling around on the ground, general incessant physical work lately. Wasn’t sure about it at all at first because pains & fatigue seemed to worsen. But in the last week or two my range of movement has been the best ever since PsA came to town and the hip pain, though mega in my opinion, is clearly now linked to immobility. I reckon if you can do something physical & doctors give you the go ahead, then push through the pain. Works every time for me.

That pain sounds familiar. Be careful because it may or may not indicate something happening with your discs. I get pain/cramping below my butt, too. That started long before my back went out 2 years ago and it still happens when I’m riding in the car for more than 30-45 minutes. Then my left leg starts tingling all the way down to my foot.
You’re doing a lot of physical work now. Just don’t overdo it. Lifting and reaching will aggravate your back, too, so leave the heavy stuff up to your “better” (yeah, right) half!!!
I’m responding to Sybil’s comment because I don’t see the full discussion.
How’s the remodeling going? Sound like you’re making progress! :slight_smile:

That’s interesting Grandma J. I never considered a connection with the back. But what you describe sounds exactly like what happens to me. I like to think my back is bullet proof, rarely any problems. Except one time many, many years ago after Tango dancing classes - Dr’s advice: no more Latin American dancing, ever! I was rubbish at it anyway. I am careful with lifting etc. and leave the really heavy stuff to my infinitely superior partner! But still going for the ‘use it or lose it’ approach as far as possible.

I think its called “moving” although I’m sure you took it easy and haven’t missed your meds a bit right??? Classic Psa symptom though. if it doesn’t pass soon, its worth getting checked out. Might eve get a certain Rheumy moving with a phone call LOL.

I’ve not missed any meds as yet, am down to last Humira injection but that’s another story. I’ve got a rheumy appointment on the 4th October so really the input here helps with prioritising what to flag up. I doubt the new rheumy will require a full history, but I imagine the new patient background discussion bit will eat into time. Thanks tntlamb!

I know this is old but wanted to tell you how I get along with this pain in the car. I bought a heated throw that plugs in the cigarette lighter at bed bath and beyond. I don’t have heat sweaters but using this has really helped. I use it all the time just to sit on. I also have trouble in my lower back so big enough for both. Good luck😀

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Aha! Christmas present list! :smile:

I have to get on top of this 'cos where I now live getting to France is quite easy but Greater London & its horrendous traffic standstills are in the way of most parts of the UK. At least I’ve trained for driving while suffering horribly by having a car full of kids for much of my life.

Sybil, you seem to be my twin. Your butt pain sounds prescisely like mine. A seriously awful pain in the butt, frankly. Sad you’re suffering from it too but mightily glad someone else is as well as me. Do you get god awful cramps in the back of your thigh? Or feel like you need a belt around both your hips that’s awfully tight sort of pulling them together? Would love to know.

Hi Poo_therapy! Great to hear from you again, though sorry about the pain in the butt.

I’ve not had that particular thrill recently cos I haven’t done any long drives. It is almost exclusively a car thing - 40 plus minutes at the wheel will do it, 2 hours or more and it’s like driving myself to hospital in the advanced stages of labour. Lately I’ve had lower back pain associated with extreme cooking scenarios instead.

Cramps. Right. Wish you lived up the road so we could meet up halfway to howl into the night companionably. Second thoughts, that couldn’t happen as the more extreme cramps make walking impossible. I have to get out of bed to make it stop but sometimes waking suddenly makes me feel woozy & faint & I blunder into furniture etc. But last two weeks - no cramp and no idea why that is. That’s just how it is. I don’t have the sensation you describe in the hips … although I suppose I sometimes feel I could do with a boned corset so possibly it is similar.

All in all I’m fine though, if all I get from PsA is intermittent ‘stuff’, I’m happy. Would love to hear more about how you’re getting on.

Back again with some thoughts re. cramp.

Having had mega cramps on & off for … 6 years, maybe more, the closest I’ve come to an explanation that works for me is that it is related to hydration. (How that links to PsA is another matter). I do not think it’s as simple as staying well-hydrated but more to do with blood salts - potassium, sodium etc. - getting out of whack due to too little fluid but also to too much, too quickly. For example a sure-fire recipe for cramp in my case would be 3 glasses of wine followed by a pint of water late at night. And in my hopelessly ignorant way I think this could mean that dehydration from alcohol (concentrating salts) is followed by over-diluting them. Possibly.

I had a steroid jab in my backside that worked very nicely … but cramp got worse. Then I realised that the steroid shot made me pee a lot at night. Jab’s worn off now, I have not drunk more than 2 glasses of wine at a go, I eke a good intake of water out over the whole day … cramp has gone.