Hey all. I came across this site a day or two back and thought it might be useful to be able to have contact with other people with the same condition(s). My story is as follows:
I woke up in May 2014 with what was assumed to be an injured ankle, but other joints became involved over time and psoriatic arthritis was diagnosed in January 2015 - although, oddly, my psoriasis has pretty much disappeared since I've had the arthritis!
I was put on Sulfasalazine a month later, with methotrexate being disregarded as my liver isn't quite as it should be. Nobody knows for sure what's wrong with it, an ultrasound was all clear, and so the assumption is that it is to do with medication I am taking for something else (more on that in a minute). A few weeks after taking the tablets, the lymph nodes in my neck swelled up and I was told to stop the tablets, wait for things to return to normal, and then start again. I did this, but things were worse this time with a rather gross skin infection accompanying the nodes the second time around. Tablets were stopped, although it seemed to take a couple of months for me to get my health back.
I was then told to start Leflunomide. However, I also have bipolar, and was struggling heavily at the time. I couldn't cope with the anxiety of the endless blood tests that these meds required, and while my arthritis might have got better, I would have ended up with a full-blown breakdown. I basically walked away, and didn't take anything. While my arthritis spread and got worse, I was able to cope with life easier and got myself back on a semi-even keel. I just needed time away from doctors, nurses, needles, and other tests.
In the summer, I contacted rheumatology and told them my situation and that I needed someone to listen to the idea of taking my whole being into account rather than my joints. I was lucky. I was encouraged to write down everything that was going on and what I couldn't cope with, and that they would get their heads together for a solution. That solution was hydroxychloroquine, which I have now been on for six months with some good results. Things aren't great, but it's a good halfway house, no side effects that I know of, and few tests.
Anxiety levels went through the roof just as I started them, though. I had blood tests just before and my ESR was 107. It had gone up from 40 or so just a few months earlier - hardly surprising probably considering how much pain I was in at the time, though. However, my previous GP, in good faith a year earlier had told me (when I was concerned about it being about 35) "don't worry, that's normal, all things considered. It's only when it hits 100 we worry that it's cancer!" She was trying to put me at ease without any knowledge it would go up to 107. Nobody seemed to think it was too much out of the ordinary, though (and I questioned them enough times!), considering the arthritis was in 6 or 7 joints by that point and not being medicated.
Still, I now have to have a blood test in a week or two just to monitor things and my mind worries that things have been put down to the arthritis when they could be something else more sinister! This is all not helped by recurring night sweats. They're not bad, in that they don't soak the bed (just my chest and neck are wet), but they seem to occur so often now. I know that many get this because of rheumatoid or psoriatic arthritis - but I worry/panic, with health anxiety being part and parcel of my bipolar when it flares up.
Having both conditions together is, quite frankly, a nightmare because one aggravates the other. But I guess it's something I have to get used to. But is there anyone else here who has PSa combined with bipolar or depression that they had beforehand? I would be interested to know how you cope with the worry of tests and the non-pain/stiffness symptoms such as sweats, tiredness, etc.
Thanks for reading my essay! ;)