NATURAL healing from ALL of these health issues

I have lived with ehs(electrical hyper sensitivities) for many years now and am I now healing from this horrible condition,for those of you who don't know what it is I urge you to look into it.When the body becomes ill to sensitivities the immune system has no choice but to go into overdrive and it is doing its job but then continues to fight unseen invaders like emfs.I have tried everything under the sun (including it) but nothing proved to be effective in treating my disorder.I slowly got worse until the pain was unbearable in my body.I was recently given the diagnosis of (PsA).I began a journey into real healing and my research lead me to a new form of pain management and actual healing of this condition with the minimum of meds(sulfazine).What is it you ask? it is the most basic principles in healing,it is called earthing or grounding.I urge all of you to look into the amazing healing abilities of these products.I highly recommend the night time bed sheets which in one and a half weeks have made my pain in my ankles and knees melt away to NOTHING.Sounds to easy doesn't it?The bed sheets can be ordered online for about$150 to $200 but you need to read the book Earthing by Clint Obent to really understand the principles of it all.I am actually seeing my red patches heal up and they are going away.What a wonderful thing it is just to go to bed sleep on a grounding sheet and get a good nights sleep and wake up more refreshed less pain and stress,you will notice the pain relief very quickly! I am not a salesman for any company but now feel the need to help mankind reconnect to basic healing properties that we have all but forgotten to use.please do no try to email or send a million blogs to me asking for more info,do your own homework like I did,research it all out before you make the commitment to change your life forever you wont regret buying the book and the products to NATURALLY heal yourself.Like I said vitamins,herbs, acupuncture,chiro,meds,natural paths, you name it I tried it but nothing proved to be as effective as this healing method.When you do to feel the powerful effects and begin to heal yourself please spread the message of all of this so you can be part of a new healing method that is truly remarkable.I have now ordered the full body bag for healing and it is incredible,best sleep of my life last night! Enjoy the rest of your happier healthier life as you will notice a big change in your mood,stress levels and your inner self consciousnesses relationships will improve as you begin to heal and change finally living with LESS pain than ever before.You must continue to ground for the rest of your life to maintain your healing status but it feels soooo good that that will never be an issue.Enough said I think you have all the info to change your life for the better.This is my first and last blog.
Please pass on this knowledge that you have gained after YOU begin to benefit and heal.Enjoy!!!